Guardians of New Sienna, Keyoshi, National Government, The Commander
Source: Unnamed man presently residing in North Keyoshi, in the city of Malifuna, in the Province of Key P’atu.
Interviewed at Malifuna on 23 Wuudah, 3065.
The source reported the a stranger wandered into their village in bad shape. He wore the uniform of a soldier, but his suit had no identifying symbols upon it. The stranger saw our source working in his garden and asked him for help. The man said that he meant no harm, That he had no idea where he was, or for how long he’d been walking. But he was hungry and thirsty. The man spoke in broken Keyoshian.
The source described him as being very tall, approximately 6’5”. He was very strong, but looked weak from battle and hunger.
At first our source was afraid, just like the other villagers. He reported that for some reason he cannot explain, he trusted the stranger. Our source felt he meant him no harm. He brought him food and water. The man ate it quickly and asked for more. Our source explained to him that they were a poor family with not much extra .
The man nodded in understanding. he reached down into a pocket on his pants leg and pulled out three small pouches. Much to our source’s surprise, it was filled with gold coins. He simply could not believe it. He ran into his home and showed her their newly found small fortune. Quickly they gave the stranger his fill of their food and offered him a comfortable place to sleep.
The man could not tell our source his name. He had know idea who he was or where he had come from. During the time he spent in their village, he came to be known as Ka’Kaea – meaning “He who is tall”.
He proved himself to be stronger than any man they had ever seen. Our source offered multiple stories of his strength and bravery including but not limited to:
He single handedly pulled a wagon from the Makana river.
He battled and killed a giant jaguar with his bare hands.
When a giant tree fell upon one of their tribesman, he lifted it by himself and the man was saved.
There came a time when warriors under the command of Taika came demanding tribute, supplies and control of their land. The villagers refuse, and the stranger, now known as Ka’Kaea fought against them. With a supernatural strength he throughly defeated them.
It was at that time, our source and other villagers told him that he should leave. They were most certain that Taika’s warriors would return, with more forces in an effort to kill him. Ka’Kaea agreed and soon left. It was then that the villagers all decided that they too would leave their land. They knew things would never be the same. So they took the rest of their gold and started a new life on the Keyoshian mainland.