My eyes felt too heavy to keep open. I quickly fell into a deep sleep. What happened next had to be a dream, but it seemed too real.
I was walking down a city street. The children were out playing. A few dogs were barking. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Man, it was a SPEC-TAC-U-LAR day!
As I continued to walk down the street, without a single care in the world, I look over to the middle of the street. I see a baby carriage. As I’m running over to the carriage, I thank the Father that no cars are coming. But I also wonder where in the world was the child’s Poppa and Momma?!
When I get to the carriage I see the most beautiful child smiling back at me. I immediately felt a peacefulness flow through me. I don’t think that I have been so full of joy in all my life.
As I played with the baby, it began to cry. Some how this beautiful child, who was so full joy, became so sad, full of misery, and apparently terror! For I minute I thought it was me, so I put the baby back in it’s carriage. That made the child scream to the top of it’s lungs. So I immediately picked the baby back up. After the child was back in my arms, I noticed that the streets were empty! The children were gone. There were no dogs barking . . the world was filled with silence. Suddenly, the sky started to turn red! I knew I had to get this precious child to safety, so I grabbed the baby and started running for dear life. I looked back and saw a sea of darkness taking over the city. The streets, the cars, the buildings were all being consumed by this wave of darkness. And it was gaining fast! I was running faster than I’d ever run in my life, but the darkness was still closing in on me. Just as the all consuming abyss was about to grab hold of me, I jumped up and sprouted wings!
I couldn’t believe it! I actually had wings! But the darkness wasn’t done yet. It morphed into giant black birds ready to devour us. One of the birds opened it’s mouth, and I saw what appeared to be a fiery lost soul trapped in the mouth of that hideously foul fowl.
I needed to get out of there fast and those wings were just what I needed to do it. I started to climb so high that the darkness couldn’t follow. I knew that if I kept flying toward the light, we would be fine. Then the strangest thing happened.
I heard a voice coming down from the skies above. It sounded soothing and familiar.
“Everything will be alright . . .”
To be continued.
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