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Camouflage, Capital City, Orchid Bee

Sometimes life seems to be moving a mile per minute. A whirlwind of discoveries and
adventures, time can fly by at lightning speed, disappearing into the past, never to be
seen again. That’s certainly how Ralph and Rebecca feel right about now. Fraternal
twins, Rebecca is the eldest, by five minutes. And she never lets her brother forget it.
With everything going on in their lives, she feels like she’s responsible for Ralph. So,
she’s always buzzing around trying to make sure everything is ok.

Conversely, Ralph worries about his sister taking everything so seriously. He knows
that times are tough. Yet he also feels that life is worth living and meant to be enjoyed,
no matter how hard things may get. He enjoys a good joke joke, and sometimes takes
things too lightly. It’s just that he understands he can’t control everything. Most of
the time he just tries to go with the flow and blend in with the rest of humanity.

It seems like only yesterday their parents first explained the history of their family.
Though the world believes Adroits are mere fairytales, the twins always knew the
stories were real. Their parents made sure of that. Though their family legacy was
impressive, Ralph and Rebecca had a unique calling on their lives.

Of course, every child has a special purpose. But what if yours was so special that
people had written about you thousands of years ago? Pretty heavy huh? Well that’s
the reality these two face everyday. The story is complicated, but needless to say, the
twins have a lot on their minds. Now sixteen years old, they’ve had powers for about
three years. However, they knew in their hearts that they were Adroits long before
their powers manifested.

As little kids they would stare into the sky dreaming about the different types of
powers that they could have. Never did they imagine what the future truly held in
store. Who could have known they would become Orchid Bee and Camouflage?!

When Ralph first began to disappear, Becca and their parents were thrilled. They
were also a bit nervous. Though they believed the stories passed down through the
generations, none of them had ever truly seen a person with powers before. It was
thrilling, and frightening. Scared or not, their powers had arrived.

Needless to say, everyone in the family, including Becca herself, nearly passed out
when she sprouted beautiful rainbow colored wings. Bees had always seemed to
follow her around. It was like they had some special attraction to her. Now, its like
she’s their queen and they respond to her every whim. It seems like only yesterday
they experienced that life changing transformation. Those were happy times.

Sadly, times have changed. Their entire lives are different. About a year ago, their
parents went on an archeological expedition and never returned. The world thinks
they are dead, but Rebecca and Ralph believe the opposite. The twins know their
parents are still alive. They are on a mission to find their parents before another year
rolls around. Aunt Eboni is trying to protect them, so are Max, Pops and Likka. But
when destiny calls, you’ve got to answer.