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Adroit Comics, Capital City, Golden Bolt

The night is cool, and there’s an unsettling energy in the air. I’ve felt this feeling before. But it was so many years ago. When I was young man in Santina, I’d encountered another of my kind. Another Adroit with the power of speed crossed my path. The ensuing fight was swift, more of a sparring match really. It seemed as though we battled out of duty, not anger, or neccesity. However, that was when I knew the stories of my family’s past were true.

Centuries ago, the lands of Santina and Albatino were originally one great nation.Our family had ruled the land for centuries. The kings and queens of Tinéu had always been fair, compassionate and just. Blessed by an ancient legacy of Adroit powers, our clan had always been able to protect their land and citizens. For centuries the kingdom was prosperous and there were none that dared to challenge us.

Sadly, there came a day when turmoil began to ravage the land. In the year 2590, King Santiago passed away. Almost instantly, confusion broke out with everyone wondering, “Who would be the new ruler?” The king had left neither a will, nor an established heir. There were two contenders to the throne: Prince Albatino or Princess Santina. Both wanted to wear the crown. However, no-one knew how to choose which of his children should rule.

This conflict divided the nation in two. One faction believed Princess Santina should lead their nation. They felt that she was the eldest and more benevolent of the siblings. The other faction supported Prince Albatino. They believed that, though he was younger, his knowledge of war and international affairs would help the country to grow.

When no decision could be met, Prince Albatino and his followers declared war and seceded from the nation as a whole. Declaring their independence, the nation of Albatino was born. A territorial line was drawn and the, now two nations, fought furiously for years and years. As both siblings carried the Adroit genes, the powers continued to be passed down through the generations.

Centuries later, I was born. Early on I knew that I was carrying on our legacy of extraordinary speed. Each generation of our family yielded two speedsters. I am one. The other was born to our cousins, now turned mortal enemies. Each new protector of our family is called the Golden Bolt.

It is the Golden Bolt’s responsibility to help protect the nation. Blessedly, the century-long feud between our clans came to a truce. When it was my time to become the Golden Bolt, I told my parents that I wanted something different. Baseball was my love. With peace on the horizon, I’d hoped that I could pursue my dreams of playing professional baseball.

Thankfully, they agreed. I moved to New Sienna and played for the Avondale Fightin’ Mallards. For years, I was the best player in the league. My game showed no signs of slowing down. But one day, everything changed. My wife gave birth to a baby girl, and soon she proved to be far from average. Needing to protect her, I retired from baseball and moved to Sunnyside, on the outskirts of Capital City.

No matter what has happened, I never gave up being the Golden Bolt. Everyday I race to help save whoever I can. Now I can run this race with my daughter by my side. Training her has been no easy task, but she’s ready for the fight. At least I pray she is. There’s a speedy foe blazing around Capital City, and we’re on a mission to track him down. It’s my belief that an ancient legacy of war has come calling. If so, he’d better bring his best game, ‘cause I’m in it to win.