Crimson Hawk, Hawk's Log, Keyoshi, Max Norton
The minutes turned into hours, the hours into days, and the days into months. Each day I awoke to the sunrise, grateful for a new day, a new discovery, and a new opportunity to build upon the work that had already been done. I didn’t know if I would ever remember my past, and that was a thorn in my side. But if felt good to make new memories everyday.
The tales that Pops had shared that night in front of the bonfire made an undeniable impression on me. Sure, I had lost my memory. I had lost my past. But I didn’t know what I’d lost. My life may have been good, or bad, or somewhere in between. Yet these two beautiful souls, who had poured so much into me, a stranger, had lost everything they knew, and everyone they loved, except for each other.
Pops and Likka carried the knowledge of their past with them everyday. Yet they persevered, and were still committed to helping save the world. They were dedicated to fulfilling their destiny. It was their peace and drive that helped motivate me through the most trying of days.
As my mind became clearer, and my body stronger, Likka filled my hours with lessons about the ancient ways, prophecies, and their mission (now our mission) of fighting off the powers of Darkness. She shared so much with me, that I couldn’t possibly write it all here. I’d be writing for years, trying to keep a record of everything. But one thing is for certain, the task ahead was no easy feat. Likka did her best to keep things simple for me, which was a challenge for her. Her mind seemed to be moving a hundred miles per second. I did everything I could to keep up.
“I know we are teaching you so much, young man. I hope it is not too much for your mind right now. You have grown and healed so quickly, but I do not want to overwhelm your mind or body,” she said to me one morning.
The sun was making it’s way across the sky, but the heat was not unbearable. I welcomed the sunshine on my face as I wondered what Likka and Pops had in store for me today. Sometimes I’d spar and train with Pops to build my strength. Other days I would sit with Likka and learn about, well, everything I guess.
“I don’t feel overwhelmed at all Likka. I’m always excited to hear more from you. Some of this stuff is pretty wild, but I know its true. I know it’s real. I just wish I could know more about myself,” I replied.
She smiled knowingly. “Well, I do not have the answers about the life before your time here. However, I believe I have many clues about your future.”
This caught me a little off guard. I knew that Likka knew ,any, many, many things about the universe, and the history of it all. But how could she have any clues to my future? This was definitely a curious conversation.
“My future? What clues could you have about my future? You didn’t even know me until a few months ago?” I asked in confusion.
She just looked at me silently with a smile, then turned her eyes to the sky. There we stood quietly for a few moments before she said another word.
“Each and every human has a destiny that is laid before them. However, it is not a guaranteed destiny. It is not etched into the tablets of Divinity, unless we work to manifest it ourselves. Throughout the ages, there have been certain people who are called to greatness. Now achieving this greatness takes hard work, dedication, and absolute faith. However, the reward is greater than you can ever imagine.”
She turned her head from the sky, and looked me in my eyes. Her green eyes glowed in the sunlight. The wind picked up, and began to swirl around us. For a split second, it even seemed as if the sun shined even brighter.
I could think of only one word to say, “Yes.”
To be continued. . .