Your address will show here 12 34 56 78
Capital City, Leopardo Azul, New Sienna

The Militia has long been a powerful force to be reckoned with over the last twenty years. Their emblem has become synonymous with mercenaries, anarchy and overthrown governments. No-one knows exactly who they are, or where they can be found. But everyone knows they are extremely dangerous, and at times, ruthless.

As the mark of the Militia has been felt across the world, many question how they have been able to accomplish such feats. Their ability to infiltrate and gain control of such powerful governments has proven to be unmatched.

Leopardo Azul is major piece of the Militia’s mysterious puzzle. While most civilians continue to deny the existence of Adroits, Leopardo is busy blazing new trails . . . at nearly the speed of sound. Before you can blink an eye, he’s already gone! Most likely on his way to a major heist or something even more dubious.

Birthed from a long line of Adroits with super speed abilities, Lepardo hails from the nation of Albatina. His family has a history of power, prestige, and oppression. Being a merciless dictator wasn’t really his bag, so he ditched the family at a young age and set out to see the world. Of course, he took his fair share of the family’s riches with him.

With a healthy nest egg stashed away, Leopardo decided to use his power, training and connections to serve his own desires. Over the years he became an international gambler and thief, filling his days with fast cars and beautiful women. One day when he crossed paths with the man who would change his life forever… General Blackheart.

The General helped Leopardo see that he could be apart of something bigger than himself, and increase his wealth exponentially. The General’s proposal was more than intriguing, and Leopardo joined the ranks of The Militia with no hesitation. He quickly became one of the biggest and most lethal mercenaries in the world.

The Militia had been riding high for years, when suddenly a whirlwind of betrayal hit their team in a majorly painful way. They came out on the other side alive. Some say that what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger. They must have had Leopardo, The General and the rest of their team in mind. Now, they were stronger than ever before, and their fury felt like it could never be quenched.

Faster than he’d ever been in his life, Leopardo Azul seems to show no fear of what lies ahead. Is he truly fearless, or is it all a facade? Is he truly speeding furiously, trying to outrun the consequences of his past?