Capital City, Mario Herrera, The New Arkton
Interview by Tameka Cotton
Mocha lovers of Capital City are raving over the Purple Mountain Coffee that has taken the country by storm. Drinkers of this strong brew are lining up for a cup, that some have called the most delicious coffee in the world! From Las Montañas de Púrpura in the nation of Puerto Padre, these fine specimens are harvested and processed by hand. These mountain coffee artisans process the beans in keeping with their century old traditions.
In all these years of coffee history, there is one family who has worked diligently to bring this exotic brew to the finest cafe’s in town. The Herrera Family lays claim to this creative caffeine legacy. They can trace their family lineage back hundreds of years. Generation after generation has lived and worked in Las Montañas de Púrpura, with its beautiful purple hillsides. The Herrera Coffee Plantations have long been a source of pride and respect in the region.
However, this superb coffee blend has only been available outside the borders of Puerto Padre for a very short time. Jose Herrera was the first of his family to explore the world of international commerce. That was almost 40 years ago. Now his son Mario has set his sights on building a bigger, better, and even more successful future for the family company. He’s known success his entire life, and only wants more.
Mario Herrera’s childhood was far from the pauper’s tales we’ve heard so often before. Their family’s plantations had long earned significant profits. So the company’s entrance into the New Sienna market only increased their wealth. When asked about his childhood, the young Herrera had this to say, in his thick accent:
Of course there are many families who have faced financial struggles. Fortunately for the Herreras, that is not our story. Perhaps hundreds of years ago, things may have different. However, I do not know of such a time. Yet, this does not mean that we do not work hard. We are driven, ambitious, and cunning in business. I am proud of my legacy, and will work to make it even greater.
With a charming smile he sips his coffee. No milk, no sugar, black is how he drinks it — strong, bold and invigorating, as he describes. Mario’s preference for his coffee is much like his approach to business and life.
It should come as no surprise that Herrera is often seen traipsing around town at the newest hotspot, or film release. If you’re an avid reader of “The New Arkton Digest” you’ve no doubt seen him in our social pages with a lovely lady on his arm. When we asked about his romantic side, he was quick to dodge the question. Apparently Mr. Herrera likes to keep his personal life private. We can respect that. This meeting, he was all business and wanted to make sure we had a good grasp of his vision for the future.
“I want to expand and diversify, he boasted. I am preparing Purple Mountain Coffee to move beyond our past vision, and embrace the potential of the future. It is my job to equip our company with the proper tools for the next century of international commerce. We must be focused, flexible and fortuitous.” Then he adds with a chuckle, “And perhaps have a little fun along the way.”