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Adroit Comics, Adventures of Hurricane & Elemental, Ms. Elemental, Nicolette Thompson

In the history of our world, things are very different from what we’ve been taught. We’ve been convinced that all people are only ordinary human beings, with no special purpose. But this is far from the truth. There are some extremely special individuals who roam our world. Many have no idea the true powers that lie inside them. However, some know exactly who they are, and are driven to fulfill their purpose.

Nicolette Thompson is one of those people, chosen from the beginning of time to manifest a special destiny. As a child, she always felt sensitive to nature. It seemed as though the water, the wind, and even the plants would respond to her in supernatural ways. But now, her sensitivities have grown to heightened levels.

Adroit powers flowed through Nicolette’s blood since she was born, and she’d known it for almost as long. At an early age, her mother, Minette, had shared stories of her grandmother’s escapades as an Adroit Champion – one of the first that the public had ever really known about. Pearl was her name, and her powers were tremendous. Minette had powers too, but nothing like her mother’s, or her daughter’s.

One day when Nicolette was only a child, there was almost a terrible catastrophe. When her mother went to answer the phone, young Nicolette, only 2 years old at the time, toddled her way onto the balcony. She climbed up on a chair, leaned over the rail, and fell from the 7th story! Minette heard her baby scream in terror. Instantly she threw down the phone and raced out onto the balcony shouting, “Nicolette! Nicolette! My baby!”

As she looked over the balcony, fearing the worst, she was miraculously surprised. Right there, smiling and cooing, was Nicolette! Somehow the tendrils, vines, and leaves of their neighbors’ plants had formed a canopy of protection. Wrapped around her little body were the vines of Minette’s favorite plant, gently delivering her baby back to safety.

It was that day Nicolette’s mother knew how special she was. For all her days, she and her husband Earl had done everything they could to protect her. But they knew she had an important destiny. As she grew older, her power of influence began to expand from plants to the very wind, water, and ground beneath her feet.

When Minette saw how the elements of the world responded to her daughter, she bestowed upon her the name Miss Elemental. The name certainly suits her. Now she’s on a mission to move mountains to help save humanity from darkness. As destiny would have it, her one true love is also a true powerhouse: The Hurricane. Their romance seems to have lasted a lifetime. She and Tommy met when they were only thirteen, and the two have been inseparable ever since.

As the saying goes, two Adroit champions are better than one. Capital City’s biggest bad guys had better watch out. Ms. Elemental and The Hurricane are two forces of nature to be reckoned with.


Adventures of Hurricane & Elemental, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, New Sienna, The Hurricane

There aren’t many natural forces more powerful than a hurricane. Swirling high powered winds and waves, these epic storms are capable of mass destruction. One man has manifested these powers from within. But Tommy Thompson II desires to use his powers only for good and righteousness. The left path has tried to tempt him, time and time again, yet he has remained true to his purpose.

A strong and caring man, he has dedicated his brain to the natural sciences of biochemistry and meteorology. However his body is a lean, mean, fighting machine. Growing up in the boxing ring, Tommy was a prodigy. Laying blows left and right, he was knocking out men twice his age when he was but a lad. He long had aspirations of being the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. But at the young age of fourteen, that all came to an end.

Tommy had always been amazingly strong. His strength was enough to astonish even the most seasoned of fighters. The week of his fourteenth birthday, he was scheduled to fight one of the best fighters around. He trained hard, and was fully confident that he would be victorious. Boy, oh boy, was he right! Something changed in him during that fight. It was almost as though he could feel a storm brewing inside him. . . and BAM!

The young fighter hit his opponent so hard, that he flew across the ring, smashed into the turnbuckle, and was knocked unconscious. The injuries were substantial. At one point Tommy was afraid that he’d killed him. That night he and his trainer agreed that he had to hang up his gloves. It was just too dangerous.

Tommy always felt guilty about that night, often plagued by the memories of his last fight. Though he carried the weight of hurting that boxer, Tommy felt exhilarated by the powers that had begun to manifest on that fateful evening, over a decade ago. Since that day, he had worked, researched and trained to gain a better understanding of his powers. His strength has only grown in power over the years. Presently he estimates his powers are equal to a Category 1 storm. His goal is to reach Category 5, which might happen sooner that he thinks.

Where his passion used lie in becoming the greatest boxer the world had ever seen, he now only wants to help protect the innocent. Capital City has been growing darker and darker over the years. Tommy sees the change, and he’s on a mission to use his powers for The Light. The Hurricane, with his wife, Miss Elemental, by his side, is fighting for what is good and what is right. But you’d better watch out, he packs a punch that will blow you away.