Your address will show here 12 34 56 78
Guardians of New Sienna, Keyoshi, National Government, The Commander

Source: Unnamed man presently residing in North Keyoshi, in the city of Malifuna, in the Province of Key P’atu.

Interviewed at Malifuna on 23 Wuudah, 3065.

The source reported the a stranger wandered into their village in bad shape. He wore the uniform of a soldier, but his suit had no identifying symbols upon it. The stranger saw our source working in his garden and asked him for help. The man said that he meant no harm, That he had no idea where he was, or for how long he’d been walking. But he was hungry and thirsty. The man spoke in broken Keyoshian.

The source described him as being very tall, approximately 6’5”. He was very strong, but looked weak from battle and hunger.

At first our source was afraid, just like the other villagers. He reported that for some reason he cannot explain, he trusted the stranger. Our source felt he meant him no harm. He brought him food and water. The man ate it quickly and asked for more. Our source explained to him that they were a poor family with not much extra .

The man nodded in understanding. he reached down into a pocket on his pants leg and pulled out three small pouches. Much to our source’s surprise, it was filled with gold coins. He simply could not believe it. He ran into his home and showed her their newly found small fortune. Quickly they gave the stranger his fill of their food and offered him a comfortable place to sleep.

The man could not tell our source his name. He had know idea who he was or where he had come from. During the time he spent in their village, he came to be known as Ka’Kaea – meaning “He who is tall”.

He proved himself to be stronger than any man they had ever seen. Our source offered multiple stories of his strength and bravery including but not limited to:

He single handedly pulled a wagon from the Makana river.
He battled and killed a giant jaguar with his bare hands.
When a giant tree fell upon one of their tribesman, he lifted it by himself and the man was saved.

There came a time when warriors under the command of Taika came demanding tribute, supplies and control of their land. The villagers refuse, and the stranger, now known as Ka’Kaea fought against them. With a supernatural strength he throughly defeated them. 

It was at that time, our source and other villagers told him that he should leave. They were most certain that Taika’s warriors would return, with more forces in an effort to kill him. Ka’Kaea agreed and soon left. It was then that the villagers all decided that they too would leave their land. They knew things would never be the same. So they took the rest of their gold and started a new life on the Keyoshian mainland.


Adroit Comics, Crimson Hawk, Guardians of New Sienna, Hawk's Log

“Our family has a long legacy of divine purpose. From the very beginning of this realm’s creation, we were tasked with helping to protect humanity,” Pops said solemnly.
“Protect humanity from what?” I asked sincerely.

Pops smiled at my question. Looking back, I can see how child-like I truly was at that time. With a blank slate, I was like a new born baby in many ways. Living in the jungle with my new family for those first few years was paradise. A paradise to which I often wish I could return.
But there is far too much work to do. My task is too great to even think about paradise any time soon. There are some very important mysteries that must be solved. Then maybe, just maybe I could retire in the jungle —away from all the craziness.

Now as I think back to the sorrow in Pops’ eyes, my dedication to fighting the darkness grows even more. However, there was much more than sorrow in his voice, and in his story. My question had been one full of naïveté. It was so simple, so child-like. I could not comprehend the magnitude of what he was about to say.

“We were tasked with protecting humanity from Darkness . . . The Ultimate Darkness. Every evil that has ever manifested in this realm can be traced back to The Ultimate Darkness. Some call it Chaos. It is called many different things in different tongues, yet they are all one and the same.”

I listened intently, trying process every single word. It was a lot to process. But somehow, I understood everything he said. It hit me in my heart like ringing bell of truth. Pops continued speaking and soaked it all in like a sponge.

“Over the millennia, it’s plots and schemes have shifted. It’s soldiers and operatives have changed. Even the tools it employs have evolved. However, it’s only goal is the utter despair and destruction of our universe.

This was some heavy news indeed. At the time, I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this answer. But it was too late now. I was all in.

There are many who have fought over the centuries. But my family, the Lolani, were one of the original warrior tribes. My ancestors were gifted with weapons of Light. Those weapons allowed us to banish the Darkness that threatened us all. We were instructed to stay vigilant, guard our weapons, guard our secrets, and pass this truth down to our children.”

At that moment Pops paused again, choosing his next words carefully. It was not until that moment that I felt it was alright to speak. I tried to encourage one of my only two friends in the world. It was a hard fact, but Pops and Likka were the only two souls I knew in the whole world.
“That sounds like a very important task Pops. I know you’ve always taken it seriously. I’m sure your ancestors would be proud of you. You and Likka have certainly helped to save and protect me.”

Pops’ only response was a small nod of gratitude before he continued his story.

“When the day came for me to lead my clan, I was thankful and believed that I could be a great leader. I knew in my heart that I had been chosen over my brother to lead for an important reason. I was prepared to make my family and The Creator proud. I did everything I could to take care of my family and all the members of our village. But, sadly there was one man who wanted everything I had . . .”

To be continued . . .


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, Pink Lightning, Sugarland

Every child indeed holds the potential for greatness. In each of us, there has been planted a seed to accomplish great things. If that seed is watered, nurtured, and loved, then the sky is the limit!

It is also true, that some beings have been implanted with supernatural powers – powers greater than many of us can even comprehend. Of course, one can dream of flying or running at the speed of sound. In our mind’s eye, we could possibly feel the wind in our face, or the exhilaration of the speeding through the city. But the true ramifications and consequences of such powers, those we can’t possibly understand. 

Gabriella “Gabby” Cruz understands. Well, she’s learning to understand. Being a teenager is hard enough without knowing that you have to help save the world. But she’s up to the challenge! At least she hopes that she’s ready.

Born to an Adroit father and mother, Gabby has always known about her family’s legacy. It’s one she’s always been proud of, though she’s never been able to tell anyone. Pink Lightning is one of those divinely appointed beings, gifted with great powers, and even greater responsibilities. Adroit powers run in her family, literally and figuratively. Her father is known as The Golden Bolt and is one of the fastest humans the world has ever seen. But his daughter is even faster than he.

Her parents often speak about her first speedy dash, when she was only five years old. She ran out of the door with so much velocity that her father had to run at almost full speed to catch her. Oh, how she squealed as she blazed through the wheat fields of their farm, leaving a streak of pink lighting behind her. That was the day she received her special name.

Turning into a young woman, Gabby has yearned to make real friends, with whom she can share her life’s biggest secret. That she is Pink Lightning, the sweetly pink, crime-fighting speedster, helping to protect the citizens of Capital City. She loves being an Adroit, but emotionally, it’s beginning to wear on her. She feels tremendous responsibility at such a very young age.

At fifteen years old, most girls are thinking about school work, their first date, and possibly wearing make-up for the first time. Gabby thinks about all these things, but she has the added stresses of trying to break the sound barrier and keeping the powers of darkness at bay. Add in an overly protective father trying to keep her safe at every turn, and she feels pretty overwhelmed at times. She hopes that one day soon, he’ll realize she’s not a little girl anymore. And that if she’s ever going to reach her full potential, he must let her run free.  

But until that day, she knows that she’ll always be Daddy’s Little Girl. And it’s quite alright, since she’s not ready to grow up, just yet. Teenager or not, Pink Lightning is one powerful Adroit, who should not be underestimated. True light banishes darkness, and this young lady leaves a trail of bold and blazing light, wherever she goes


Capital City, Crimson Hawk, Guardians of New Sienna, Hawk's Log

Likka walked over and stood by her husband. Next to him, she looked even smaller than before. She smiled and gave me a little bow. My mind felt so heavy, and this place seemed so foreign.

“I am happy to see you awake,” she said softly. “Do not worry. You will regain your strength. This is my husband, Pake’lika. He is a very wise and powerful man. He doesn’t trust you yet, but together we will help you.”

Weary and confused, I tried to sit up again. This time, my rescuers were there to help. She was much more willing than he was, but he helped anyway. Apparently they had been looking after me for months now. They had saved my life and for that I would always be grateful. I fought hard to hold back burning tears as I tried to remember what had happened to me.

How did I end up in the jungle? How can I remember nothing?

The sweet faced, kind-hearted Likka had spoken the only voice I’d heard so far.

It was comforting and felt motherly.The next voice I heard wasn’t nearly so kind.
“Now that you’re awake, I can ask you a question or two. Who are you? Where did you come from?”
I’ve got to open my mouth! Now I know that he would not have stopped until I said something.
I dug deep down inside and mustered the strength to say just three little words:
“I don’t know…”
He frowned, “What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I can’t remember anything,” the words started to flow a bit easier.

Pake’lika continued to question me anyway. “You were dressed in military fatigue, but there were no markings, tags or anything to tell us who you were or where you’d come from. But now that I hear you talk, I know you’re from New Sienna.”

I just stared at him, trying to think of something else to say. But I could think of nothing. This upset him further. He turned towards his wife and moved her away from me. I could hear him whisper, in a different language that I somehow understood.
“How can we trust this man? He claims that he doesn’t even know who he is?!”
“He just came out of a coma Pake’lika! Please just give him some time. Who knows what happened in that explosion? Besides, you have seen the mark on his hand! You know what that means,” she persisted.
I looked down at my hands, there on the back of my left hand was a mark. But I had no idea what any of this could mean. My head began to throb.
“How can we know for certain? We’ve been betrayed before,and by our own kin. How am I supposed to trust this New Sienna soldier who was probably up to no good?” he asked with frustration in his voice.
“Right now, we can only have faith and trust that we are on the right path. Please, my dear. Can you trust with me?” She asked as she reached out for his hand. He let out a huge sigh before taking her hand in his.

They walked over to me as I tried to lay my head back down. It was hard to think, hard to speak, and getting harder to keep my eyes open by the second. As my eyes closed, I could hear Likka’s voice.

“Do not trouble your mind. Do not stress about the memories you cannot retrieve. Some trials are a blessing in disguise. It will not be easy, but the truth of your past will be revealed in time.”

To be continued…


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital City Gazette, Capital City Mysteries, Crimson Hawk, Curtis Perry, Eboni Stone, Guardians of New Sienna, International News, Local Government, Max Norton, National Government, New Sienna

The year is 3073.
The nation is New Sienna.
The city is, you guessed it, Capital City – “The City in the Center of the World.”

This metropolitan epicenter is renowned across the realm for its sights, industries, and sophistication. However, there is a darker side to this fair city.

The authorities are overwhelmed with all the calls reporting crimes of all kinds. It’s simply far too much for the Capital City Police Department to handle. Many people are realizing that they must do something to change things. And there are a select few who have what it takes to truly make a difference.

In such a huge city, there are many stories we can follow, but there are three that stand out from the rest: Eboni Stone, Curtis Perry, and Max Norton. Each of these detectives are on a mission to uncover the truth and bring the bad guys down.

Join us as we explore their tales, and discover what secrets the streets of Capital City hold.

Eboni Stone

Each and every person has their own tale to tell, many of which are filled with challenges. Some people fold in the face of adversity. Others might crawl into their shell, hoping that everything will get better. Eboni Stone is not one of these people. She’s been through so much in her life, yet she’s never given up.

A former CCPD officer, she left the force years ago after a tragic loss. Brave and dedicated to serving the community, she soon became frustrated with the ways things worked in the system. After turning in her badge, Eboni set her sights on serving the people in a different way. That’s when the Eboni Stone Private Detective Agency opened its doors.

She spends her days and nights searching for clues to solve her clients’ cases. With all her years on the beat, you’d think she’d seen it all. Ha! Not even close. Missing persons, stolen property, corporate espionage — the list goes on and on. That’s not even touching on the craziness with Hawk and her niece and nephew. But is she ready to solve the biggest mystery yet? Only time will tell.

Curtis Perry

The streets are filled with secrets. Curtis knows this to be true. He’s uncovered so many, he just can’t stop now. Everyday he beats the pavement, chasing down the clues to his biggest story yet! Tirelessly he does his best to expose the truth. Unfortunately, he and his editor don’t always see eye to eye.

Curtis is obsessed with fighting against Royal conspiracies, governmental, military, and corporate wrong-doings. However, the publisher of his newspaper could care less. The Capital City Gazette existed to please the advertisers . . . period. Furthermore, they would never publish any stores that could upset anyone too powerful . . . Or dangerous.

Curtis cares nothing about that. He’s on a hunt for two things, the absolute truth, and proof that Adroits are real. Though his paper may not want to publish the hard hitting stories, he’s making them public one way or another. He’s tired of playing games with these fools. Curtis has dedicated himself to exposing the truth to the free world. There are plenty of people who want him to keep quiet. But Curtis has never been one to do as he is told.

Max Norton

While most detectives are doing their sleuthing for clients, or to break some big story, Max has a more personal motivation for his work. His very existence is riddled with riddles. His life has taken more twists and turns than even he can remember. During the day, he is Max Norton, a simple, ordinary man who runs a tow truck company. But by night, he is Crimson Hawk, an anonymous defender for the citizens of Capital City . . . and beyond.

His cases are complicated and lead to bigger bad guys than most folks would want to tangle with. At times it seems like his adopted home is under siege. With crime on the rise, its becoming harder and harder to find exactly what he’s been searching for all of these years.

One of Max’s biggest problems is that he can’t say no if someone needs help. Even if it’s to his own detriment. But while he’s helping save citizens in the streets, he’s also tracking down the past that was erased from his mind almost ten years ago. But that’s one mystery that extends far beyond him. Max knows that this is one case that could impact the entire realm and change the course of history forever. He prays and believes that he is up the the task.


Adventures of Hurricane & Elemental, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, New Sienna, The Hurricane

There aren’t many natural forces more powerful than a hurricane. Swirling high powered winds and waves, these epic storms are capable of mass destruction. One man has manifested these powers from within. But Tommy Thompson II desires to use his powers only for good and righteousness. The left path has tried to tempt him, time and time again, yet he has remained true to his purpose.

A strong and caring man, he has dedicated his brain to the natural sciences of biochemistry and meteorology. However his body is a lean, mean, fighting machine. Growing up in the boxing ring, Tommy was a prodigy. Laying blows left and right, he was knocking out men twice his age when he was but a lad. He long had aspirations of being the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. But at the young age of fourteen, that all came to an end.

Tommy had always been amazingly strong. His strength was enough to astonish even the most seasoned of fighters. The week of his fourteenth birthday, he was scheduled to fight one of the best fighters around. He trained hard, and was fully confident that he would be victorious. Boy, oh boy, was he right! Something changed in him during that fight. It was almost as though he could feel a storm brewing inside him. . . and BAM!

The young fighter hit his opponent so hard, that he flew across the ring, smashed into the turnbuckle, and was knocked unconscious. The injuries were substantial. At one point Tommy was afraid that he’d killed him. That night he and his trainer agreed that he had to hang up his gloves. It was just too dangerous.

Tommy always felt guilty about that night, often plagued by the memories of his last fight. Though he carried the weight of hurting that boxer, Tommy felt exhilarated by the powers that had begun to manifest on that fateful evening, over a decade ago. Since that day, he had worked, researched and trained to gain a better understanding of his powers. His strength has only grown in power over the years. Presently he estimates his powers are equal to a Category 1 storm. His goal is to reach Category 5, which might happen sooner that he thinks.

Where his passion used lie in becoming the greatest boxer the world had ever seen, he now only wants to help protect the innocent. Capital City has been growing darker and darker over the years. Tommy sees the change, and he’s on a mission to use his powers for The Light. The Hurricane, with his wife, Miss Elemental, by his side, is fighting for what is good and what is right. But you’d better watch out, he packs a punch that will blow you away.


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil
  1. adroit [ə-droit′]
  2. quick and skillful in body or mind, deft.
  3. ingenious; ready in invention or execution; possessing readiness of resource.a human being possessing special or unique qualities that stand out from the norm.

The Adroit Comics Universe exists in a realm far, far away from Earth. In our world, it was once common knowledge that people with special powers existed. There are countless myths and legends about adroit humans with abilities far beyond the understanding of most. Though modern times have found the knowledge of Adroits suppressed, we know the truth. This world is far more advanced and complex than the powers-that-be would have you believe. How could they have you believe that you could possibly possess the power to fly, or run faster than the speed of sound? How could they ever control the minds of humanity, if we only grasped the strength and untapped power that had been granted to us by The Creator of All? If the unique, unknowing Adroits could all realize their true powers . . . who could stop them? Certainly not the powers of darkness. It is in the realm of Nuzar’Eil that our stories take place. This is a world full of the rich and poor, strong and weak, the good and the evil. Just as on Earth, there are powers of darkness working against The Eternal Light. This is the light that shines through all of Creation. It is a fight that has lasted the ages. However, Light always has, and always will banish Darkness. The evildoers of our world are motivated by many factors: greed, power, revenge, and abandonment issues to name a few. There are even those who deal with their own twisted versions of reality, in which they are the supreme power. Fueled by Chaos, these beings have dedicated their lives to get what they want . . . at any cost. Our champions are seemingly simple people, who have come to live complicated lives. Their powers manifest in different ways, and at different times. But each and every warrior has their own special story to tell. No matter who they are, or where they hail from, they are fighting to help save the world from the clutches of Darkness.Welcome to the Adroit Comics Universe! Our realms are built on ancient foundations, mingled with futuristic politics, technology, and innovation. We’re working to create a world where you can feel free to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. We want this to be a place where you can be inspired to discover your own Adroit powers. May the powers of Light guide your path and forever protect you from the powers of darkness. We pray that the words and images within our pages can be a beacon of hope. And also, a reminder, that when all is said and done, good triumphs over evil.


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, New Sienna

adroit [ə-droit′]

quick and skillful in body or mind, deft.
ingenious; ready in invention or execution; possessing readiness of resource.
a human being possessing special or unique qualities that stand out from the norm.

The Adroit Comics Universe exists in a realm far, far away from Earth. In our world, it was once common knowledge that people with special powers existed. There are countless myths and legends about adroit humans with abilities far beyond the understanding of most. Though modern times have found the knowledge of Adroits suppressed, we know the truth. This world is far more advanced and complex that the powers-that-be would have you believe.

How could they have you believe that you could possibly posses the power to fly, or run faster that the speed of sound? How could they ever control the minds of humanity, if we only grasped the strength and untapped power that had been granted to us by The Creator of All?
If the unique, unknowing Adroits could all realize their true powers . . . who could stop them? Certainly not the powers of darkness.

It is in the realm of Nuzar’Eil that our stories take place. A world full of the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, the natural and the supernatural, the good and the evil. Just as on Earth, there are powers of darkness working to extinguish The Eternal Light that shines through all of Creation. It is a fight that has lasted the ages. However Light always has, and always will banish Darkness.

The evildoers of our world are motivated by a number of factors: greed, power, revenge and abandonment issues to name a few. There are even those who deal with their own twisted versions of reality, in which they are the supreme power. Fueled by Chaos, these beings have dedicated their lives to to getting what they want . . . at any cost.

Our champions are seemingly simple people, who have come to live complicated lives. Their powers manifest in different ways, and at different times. But each and every warrior has their own special story to tell. No matter who they are, or where they hail from, they are fighting to help save the world from the clutches of Darkness.

Welcome to the Adroit Comics Universe! Built on ancient foundations and propelled into the future of politics, technology and innovation, we’re creating a world where you can feel free to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. We want this to be a place where you can be inspired to discover your own Adroit powers.

May the powers of Light guide your path and forever protect you from the powers of chaos and darkness. May the words and images that lie within our pages be a beacon of hope, and a reminder, that when its all said and done, the good guys win.