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Boxing, Capital City, Capital City Gazette, New Arkton, New Sienna, Sports

Braxton “The Bruiser” Jackson vs Jerome “Lazyboy” Mattius

It’s official and this announcement is hot off the press!

A new title fight has been scheduled between the reigning NSBA Heavyweight Champion Braxton “The Bruiser” Jackson and the IBL Heavyweight Champion, Jerome “Lazyboy” Mattius.

The champs will be going toe to toe in a unifying title match on the 13th of Hasha, at the Beckwourth Arena.

The winner of this exhibition will become the champion of both the New Sienna Boxing Association and the International Boxing League. This is a big deal for more reasons than one. There has never been a unifying title fight between these two leagues.

The streets are buzzing with rumors of the NSBA and IBL joining forces. Nothing has been confirmed thus far. However, the announcement of this crossover fight lends credibility to those rumors.

There are plenty of folks who’ve been asking for this fight for a long time now. We’re all used to seeing Jackson knocking his opponents out. A longtime boxer Bruiser’s record stands at 63-1. That’s 63 wins with a single loss. What many people don’t know is that his only loss, was his very first fight, to Rico Puticelli. And his first win was a rematch against Puticelli. It ended with his face on the mat, and Jackson’s fist in the air.

Though we’ve all seen Jackson’s skills in the ring, let us not discount his challenger. Jerome “Lazyboy” Mattius fought his way to the top of the International Boxing League fair and square. He’s a tough fighter, and he’s smart. Lazyboy seems worlds away from Jackson in many ways.

A young boy from Southern New Sienna, he’s working hard to save his family’s farm. You won’t find him in any of the glitzy clubs or philandering his way around town. He’s always training with his manager Earl Lanquille down in Las Gracias at the 7th Street Gym.

Lazyboy is focused, faithful and on a mission. Though Jackson might be the flashy fan favorite, he’s definitely found a contender in Johnson. When asked about his passion for the sport of boxing, this is what Jerome “Lazyboy” Mattius had this to say:

“I don’t like to hurt people you know? But I’m a really great fighter. Some have even said prolific. I don’t like talkin’ bout myself like that, but I’m trying to be truthful. You know what I’m saying? Sometimes I have dreams of being this great warrior. So you know, I’m just doing what I’m good at. I’m doing it for my family, period.”

When asked the same question, Braxton “Bruiser” Jackson replied:

“I love the thrill of the fight. I like to see the look of confidence in a young contender’s eyes, and turn it to fear, punch by punch. That’s where my passion lies.”

Well what do you think sports fans?
Who would you put your money on?
If betting were legal, that is!

This is going to be a tough competition, and only time will tell for certain. We’ll be keeping a close eye on both camps to keep you updated. There will definitely be much more information coming soon. So be sure to pick up the latest issue of The Capital City Gazette to make sure you don’t miss a beat!