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Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital City Mysteries, Clopton, Eboni Stone

It’s a sunny day outside and birds are chirping in the trees outside of the main window of The Eboni Stone Detective Agency. She could hear the laughter of happy people parading down the avenue. It was the type of day that should make anyone smile.

Eboni wanted to smile, but she just had so much on her mind. She was feeling more than a little overwhelmed by all of the Adroit insanity that had taken over her life. And to think, she’d never believed those Adroit tales she’d heard as a kid. Boy, had she been wrong!

The truth was that chasing after Ralph and Rebecca was more than she’d bargained for when she first agreed to be their guardian. It’s been almost two years since her sister and brother-in-law had left them in her care. It was no easy task and she was still trying to get the hang of this pseudo-parenting thing.

Now she’s sitting in her office, thankful to have a bit of peace and quiet. The twins were at school, and Eboni was hoping that some new business would come her way. Opening up this agency was a crazy idea for her. She’d always been pretty practical, straight-laced, and goal-oriented. But never did she think a detective agency was in her future.

Well the future had become her present, and as unexpected her life journey has been, she’s working to make the most of it.

“Finally, a little peace and quiet,” she proclaims, as she puts her feet up on the desk.

With a sigh, she places her hands be hind her head and leans back with a smile. After a moment, her eyes narrows as she realizes there is one pressing matter that must be resolved immediately. She sits up, opens a desk drawer, and pulls out an old tattered folder. Thumbing through the folders contents she asks a very important question, “What’s for lunch? That’s the mystery I want to solve right now!”

After flipping through twenty or more delivery menus, she decided to order from Flausheen Express, the new take-out spot near her building. After placing her order, Eboni placed her hand behind her head and resumed her lounging position. She tried to take a moment to just let her mind rest. It had been running so wild these past few months.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Sheesh, that was fast! They said it would be here in no time. I guess they really meant it. Sitting up quickly she shouts, “One moment!”

Reaching for her pocket book, she notices the silhouettes standing in front of her door.

“That’s no delivery guy,” she surmised.

Just then a sweet, little, timing, country voice attempted to shout back, “Yes ma’am! Thank you!”

There were two figures outside of her office door. Both were small and female. Unexpected guests didn’t stop by often, so she was definitely curious as to who they were. Her office had only been open for a few months, and she hadn’t really had a budget for advertising. So every client she’d had so far, had come via word of mouth. Perhaps some of her most recent clients had been moving their lips to spread the word. A new case wouldn’t be too shabby. The bills had to get paid somehow.

Quickly, Eboni walked over to the door, grabbed the doorknob, and welcomed in her guests.

“Good afternoon ladies,” she greeted with a smile.

Two quiet, prim, and proper women stood in her doorway. They were dressed prettily, as though their church service, or an afternoon tea party was on their itinerary for today.

“Good afternoon replied the younger of the two. She looked no older than twenty on years. At her arm stood a woman old enough to be her mother. She wore her age well, with a regal and confident look on her face. However, her face also showed her worry and concern, all too clearly.

“I’m Cherry King,” and this is my mother-in-law … well, she’s more like a mother to me that’s my own mom you know,” she said quickly and nervously, wanting to make sure she didn’t say anything wrong.

“I understand,” Eboni replied with a reassuring smile. “It’s so nice to meet you both,” she continued and shook their hands. “Why don’t we have a seat?” She asked gesturing to the two simple chairs sitting in front of her second hand desk. She thought to herself that the chairs were also second hand, shoot, everything in the office had come from a second hand shop, not that it really mattered. Starting an agency with little to no budget had been no easy challenge. Hopefully these ladies were able to pay some real fees.

With a polite smile and nod, her potential new clients sat down daintily.

Cherry began speaking again, “Ms. Stone, you see, Mother King is one of my very best friends. When I met Duke years ago, it’s like she just took me in as her own daughter!”

“Well I can see you’re far from the mother-daughter-in-law-stereotypes! That is good news! I’d love to get to know you both better, but I’m sure there’s a reason you came to visit me today,” Eboni replied.

A look of sorrow consumed their faces, “Well, Cherry began, It’s my husband, and Mother King’s son, Mike. He’s gotten himself into some trouble, and now he’s missing!” It was easy to see that both of these women were beyond distraught. This Mike fella was certainly blessed with a family who loved him, that’s more than many people could claim. But she just hoped that his trouble wasn’t too deep, and this story could have a happy ending. Sadly that wasn’t always the case in Capital City.

Eboni grabbed her notepad and began to write down the most pertinent details to this case. She realized that this probably wouldn’t be the high-paying case she was hoping for, but she never got into the business for the big bucks. She started her agency to help local people who were in trouble. And she was determined to do just that.

“So,” Eboni asked, with the kindest voice she could muster, “Why don’t you tell me what’s been happening with Mike?”

To be continued . . .


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital Island, Clopton, Collinsville, Hampton Heights, Las Gracias, New Arkton, New Sienna, Sugarland, Sunnyside

Capital City is the official capital of New Sienna, an independent nation. The now seven boroughs were once all independent townships. Over the years, Capital City grew from a small island town, to one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country. Each borough is unique with its own community of citizens from all walks of life. We invite you to explore Capital City for yourself!

Capital Island

What once began as a small island community, in the middle of A Great Lake, has grown into the tiny beating heart of the entire nation. The decisions made on Capital Island extend far beyond the borders of Capital City, and have great influence on the world. Locally however, citizens look towards Capital Island as the center of all government, including the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The Capital City Gifted Academy is also housed on Capital Island, where the city’s brightest and most talented students study and grow. Capital Island is a great area to explore local government and historic landmarks.

New Arkton

One of the three boroughs at the center of Capital City, New Arkton is home to the major business and commerce district. This borough is where you will find the tallest buildings and biggest companies. Many visitors choose to stay in one of New Arkton’s swanky hotels and dine at the finest of restaurants. Sports lovers can also see the bears play at the walnut street stadium. Fast paced and very expensive, this area is certainly not for those looking for quiet and relaxation. But if excitement and luxury are your goal, New Arkton is the place for you!


Somewhere between “City” and “Country,” Clopton is the best of both worlds. Just across the river from New Arkton, the borough has its fair share of commerce and enterprise. However it moves at a slightly slower pace. As you head west towards Sugarland, you can slowly see your surroundings change from the urban to suburban, then downright country. It is a great place to visit and see all the sights of the surrounding burroughs. In Clopton, you can have your choice of fancy hotels, or a quiet country Bed & Breakfast. You can also see the cougars play at the Broxby stadium. Visit Clopton today for the best of country and city living.


Though Collinsville may not be first on the list of tourist attractions, it is home to many of Capital City’s hardest working citizens. A blue collar borough, the residents of Collinsville put in long hours every day working to make a better life for their families. You won’t find fancy hotels and restaurants here, as Collinsville is more of a residential area. However the Capital City Industrial Park can be found on the South East side of this borough, hence the concentration of blue collar workers. The crime rate of Collinsville is higher than surrounding areas, so avoid venturing out at night if you can help it. But if you’re in search of down to earth people, and working class living, Collinsville will be right up your alley.


They say “It’s always Sunny in Sunnyside.” We believe it to be true, at leasT most of the time. An easy going community, Sunnyside is a haven for families and retirees. With lots of open land and family friendly neighborhoods, there’s not much excitement to be found here. But the residents of Sunnyside are happy to call it home. Super safe and slow-paced, this area is a far cry from the hustle and bustle of New Arkton. If you decide to pay this borough a visit, you’ll receive a warm welcome with quiet times and lots of sunny smiles.


Sugarland earned its sweet namesake by being home to Capital Sugar Mill. The Mill has been operating for over 100 years now and is a major contributor to the economic success of Capital City. Beyond the sugar mill, Sugarland is full of family and commercial farms. These farms provide food for the entire city, and beyond. With rich and fertile lands, some of these farms have been owned by the same families for generations. Capital City is thankful for the proud yet humble farmers of Sugarland. This is perfect borough to visit if you’re a fan of nature, fresh food and country livin

Hampton Heights

If affluence is your cup of tea, then look no further than the Hampton Heights. Here you will find the illustrious and at times, ostentatious, homes of Capital City’s most elite families. This is where you can find generations of wealth often referred to as “Old Money.” There is no shortage of grand estates here, so sightseeing may seem like a great option. But be advised, most estates are gated, so you may not see many of the fancy homes up close. The Heights are also home to our our most prestigious university and relaxing beaches. Be sure to pay Hampton Heights a visit for old world charm and a taste of the finer things in life.

Las Gracias

If you’re ready to sample the spice of life, Las Gracias is your perfect destination. A peninsula filled with pristine beaches, this borough is sure to bring both fun and relaxation to your life. Beach life and luxury permeate the culture of Las Gracias. This is where you can find the exciting movers and shakers in search of good times. Las Gracias is also home to “The Golden Green Hills,” a luxurious community of movie stars, musicians and hip trendsetters. Visitors flock to Las Gracias to visit the Theater District and Crescent Studios, one of the most successful film studios in the world. If you’re a fan of beaches, fine food, fun and celebrities, Las Gracias should top your lis