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Capital City, Capital City Gazette, International News, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil

Pauline Weston- CCG Writer

Administrators of The Natural Museum of Capital City are upset and confused over, what many have called, an impossible robbery. The Quintessence Sapphire was stolen from its case last night. A national exhibition tour had been scheduled to begin today. The precious stone was to be shown around the country at museums in only the most prominent cities.

It has been rumored that this mysterious sapphire has quite the history. Some say it was owned by an ancient Royal family. Some even believe an outlandish tale involving powerful battles and inter-dimensional travel. It’s amazing what some people will believe nowadays.

No matter what you choose to believe, it obviously holds great value. Now, it is owned by a rather wealthy family of collectors, who wish to remain anonymous. Perhaps this latest incident will be just another addition to it’s rumored past.

These are the facts as we know them. The sapphire was held in a locked case. This case was placed in a secured room inside the museum. The only door to the secure room was watched by two armed guards who stood duty all night.

However, when the museum’s curator and director went to retrieve the gemstone, the case was empty. Of course, they were shocked, dismayed, and irate. They promptly alerted the authorities. Detectives rushed to the scene of the crime, eager to solve this mystery. As of yet, no clues have been reported, and the officers have no leads.

The Capital City Police Department is offering a reward for any information that can help them to solve this case. We’re sure the Museum and anonymous owners of the Quintessence Sapphire hope it can be recovered, and not simply vanish, adding another mystery to its history.


Capital City, Curtis Perry, International News, Local Government, National Government, New Sienna

By Curtis Perry – Investigative Reporter

Royal General Donovan Vonderdom — a name that strikes fear in hearts of many men. He has gone down in history as the youngest Royal General to ever be appointed to the New Sienna Royal Guard. Though some speculate that his eldest son, Adonis, may be the first to break that record.

Pompous, demanding, and unyielding are words that some have used to describe him. Though the public at large believes he’s a hard-working royal with a heart for philanthropy. The truth is, he does a great job of putting his best foot forward to keep the public on his side. However, those closest to him aren’t quick to share their truest opinion of him, for fear of the consequences.

The VOND Corporation is one of the biggest companies in the world. With diverse holdings that run the gamut of industries, Donovan’s enterprise is beyond impressive. There are very few that rival his profit margin, and even fewer with same level of relentless pursuit towards success . . . No matter the cost.

Some attribute VOND Corps overwhelming achievements to Donovan’s keen business sense. Others say its due to his ruthless nature. Regardless of how the company has grown over the years, it takes hard work and dedication to stay on top. It seems like the retired general has a talent for making things happen.

His pockets run deep and his influence reaches further than most would believe. However, though he wants to be, he is not invincible, nor invulnerable. And he is certainly not all-powerful. Though he would have you believe that he is.

Donovan has seen more than his fair share of battle. To be honest, he misses the fight. He looks back on his days of combat with fondness and a sense of nostalgia. Those were his good old days. He is, without a doubt, a warmonger in the purest sense of the word.

Centuries ago, his family built their fortunes in war, battle, and weaponry. So it should come as no surprise that VOND Corp’s key projects fall into these areas of interest. However, the man is shrewd and posses a brilliant mind. His corporation‘s investments, acquisitions, and holdings are so complicated that even the most seasoned detectives could get lost in the search, and never find their way back to Donovan.

He’s got big plans underway with his sights set on higher profits and more power than he has ever gained before. However, things are not going as planned and the retired general is certainly not alright with that. It’s his way or his way, and that’s the way it always has been.

But times are changing, and someone has decided that they’re coming to bring down Vonderdom in a major way. He has made many enemies in his life, so the suspect list is far too long. The search for the party responsible for robbing his banks won’t be an easy one. However, that’s where those deep pockets come in handy. At least that’s what he thinks.

Soon Donovan Vonderdom will have to realize that money can’t buy everything, especially not protection from the Militia.


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Hampton Heights, International News, Jamal McCall, Local Government, Nu’ZarEil

Good Evening Capital City!
Jamal McCall here with breaking news!

The city is restless with tension after today’s unexpected events on the campus of Beckwourth University. The Young People’s Party of New Sienna, formerly known as the Youth Party, had planned a non-violent rally to protest against New Sienna’s participation in the Galatian conflict overseas. What was intended to be a peaceful demonstration to raise awareness and support, somehow turned into a rather dangerous affair.

It is unclear at this time what ultimately sparked the conflict. However, here’s what we know so far.

Flyers for the event called upon the students of Beckwourth University, and other area schools, to unite for a day of camaraderie and making their voices heard. The rising tensions in New Sienna have rumors of another draft being implemented.

The last time the New Sienna Government enforced a military draft was almost 12 years ago prior to the Keyoshian War. Millions of young men and women were enlisted to help fight. This is what the Young People’s Party hopes to prevent. In their words, “We want peace! We don’t need another pointless war! This is your battle, not ours! Why are we the ones who must fight?”

The new president of the party, Issac Tisdale, has been instrumental in building up a new and stronger representation for the younger citizens of our nation. There are many who praise his work. However, there are some who fear he may be an extremist in disguise.

According to eyewitness reports, the rally began with speeches from party leaders to really get the crowd moving. The most anticipated speaker was Monroe Salamalan. A staunch Anti-Royalist, he has been working for the past few years to gain support for the Indigenous Salamalan Tribe’s claim to their original lands. His organization, the Federation of the Royal Indigenous Clan (F.R.I.C.) has been a supporter of the Youth Party from its inception.

Apparently, there were some people in attendance who disagreed with the Tisdale and Salamalan’s speeches. Because right after they ended their presentations, an unidentified group of dissenters began shouting and moving towards the stage. Within moments, a fight broke out. Campus police were able to break it up. Luckily there were only minor injuries, and no one was arrested.

We can only hope that things will remain calm in the future. With murmurs of warn growing across the seas, we can’t afford to fight one another, here on our own shores.

That’s all for now.
And remember, if you didn’t see it on ABN 9, then it isn’t really news.
Jamal McCall signing off.


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital City Gazette, Capital City Mysteries, Crimson Hawk, Curtis Perry, Eboni Stone, Guardians of New Sienna, International News, Local Government, Max Norton, National Government, New Sienna

The year is 3073.
The nation is New Sienna.
The city is, you guessed it, Capital City – “The City in the Center of the World.”

This metropolitan epicenter is renowned across the realm for its sights, industries, and sophistication. However, there is a darker side to this fair city.

The authorities are overwhelmed with all the calls reporting crimes of all kinds. It’s simply far too much for the Capital City Police Department to handle. Many people are realizing that they must do something to change things. And there are a select few who have what it takes to truly make a difference.

In such a huge city, there are many stories we can follow, but there are three that stand out from the rest: Eboni Stone, Curtis Perry, and Max Norton. Each of these detectives are on a mission to uncover the truth and bring the bad guys down.

Join us as we explore their tales, and discover what secrets the streets of Capital City hold.

Eboni Stone

Each and every person has their own tale to tell, many of which are filled with challenges. Some people fold in the face of adversity. Others might crawl into their shell, hoping that everything will get better. Eboni Stone is not one of these people. She’s been through so much in her life, yet she’s never given up.

A former CCPD officer, she left the force years ago after a tragic loss. Brave and dedicated to serving the community, she soon became frustrated with the ways things worked in the system. After turning in her badge, Eboni set her sights on serving the people in a different way. That’s when the Eboni Stone Private Detective Agency opened its doors.

She spends her days and nights searching for clues to solve her clients’ cases. With all her years on the beat, you’d think she’d seen it all. Ha! Not even close. Missing persons, stolen property, corporate espionage — the list goes on and on. That’s not even touching on the craziness with Hawk and her niece and nephew. But is she ready to solve the biggest mystery yet? Only time will tell.

Curtis Perry

The streets are filled with secrets. Curtis knows this to be true. He’s uncovered so many, he just can’t stop now. Everyday he beats the pavement, chasing down the clues to his biggest story yet! Tirelessly he does his best to expose the truth. Unfortunately, he and his editor don’t always see eye to eye.

Curtis is obsessed with fighting against Royal conspiracies, governmental, military, and corporate wrong-doings. However, the publisher of his newspaper could care less. The Capital City Gazette existed to please the advertisers . . . period. Furthermore, they would never publish any stores that could upset anyone too powerful . . . Or dangerous.

Curtis cares nothing about that. He’s on a hunt for two things, the absolute truth, and proof that Adroits are real. Though his paper may not want to publish the hard hitting stories, he’s making them public one way or another. He’s tired of playing games with these fools. Curtis has dedicated himself to exposing the truth to the free world. There are plenty of people who want him to keep quiet. But Curtis has never been one to do as he is told.

Max Norton

While most detectives are doing their sleuthing for clients, or to break some big story, Max has a more personal motivation for his work. His very existence is riddled with riddles. His life has taken more twists and turns than even he can remember. During the day, he is Max Norton, a simple, ordinary man who runs a tow truck company. But by night, he is Crimson Hawk, an anonymous defender for the citizens of Capital City . . . and beyond.

His cases are complicated and lead to bigger bad guys than most folks would want to tangle with. At times it seems like his adopted home is under siege. With crime on the rise, its becoming harder and harder to find exactly what he’s been searching for all of these years.

One of Max’s biggest problems is that he can’t say no if someone needs help. Even if it’s to his own detriment. But while he’s helping save citizens in the streets, he’s also tracking down the past that was erased from his mind almost ten years ago. But that’s one mystery that extends far beyond him. Max knows that this is one case that could impact the entire realm and change the course of history forever. He prays and believes that he is up the the task.