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Adroit Comics, Capital City, Jade Scorpion

It has been said that a sting from the Jade Scorpion can kill, but she is not a killer. At least she chooses not to be – much to the chagrin of her uncle. Jade is one of the fiercest warriors in the world and has been since she was only a child.

Her father began training her in the ancient martial art of protection as soon as she could walk. She cherished those days with her parents. They had instilled so very much in her life. It had been almost 10 years since she’d seen them last. Jade can remember that night vividly. Her uncle had rushed into their home, and grabbed the young girl, waking her from a sound sleep in her bed.

“The village is catching on fire! Your father asked me to get you out of here!” he shouted. She could smell the smoke and see flames in the distance.

“But what about my parents?” she cried.

“They will follow us!” her uncle answered.

But they never did. She kept asking for them, for months he told her they would be coming for her. Until one day, he gave her the most devastating news of her life. Jade’s parents had been killed in the village fire. They’d stayed to help save others. But tragically they lost their own lives. For days, weeks, and months, Jade cried and cried, until it seemed they would not fall anymore.

Her uncle did his best to ensure her tears would fall no more. He began training her in the dark arts. She fought and fought, holding true to the secrets her parents instilled in her. Jade’s father taught her that she was destined to be a great shield of protection for her people and that she could only use her powers to fight Darkness and protect The Light.

Now, she had been left alone with an uncle she did not trust, who was doing everything he could to turn her away from The Light. For years he tried to get her to kill, but she refused. “It is simply not in me Uncle. I cannot kill!” she cried.

It was then he decided that something very serious had to be done. And it was at that moment that her uncle’s true ruthless nature manifested in Jade’s life. Ever since then, Jade has known that he was not to be trusted. But now she’s on her own mission. Playing his game, acting unaware of the truth, she works to uncover the lies he has told over the years.

Now she knows she could never believe anything he has ever told her. And that has left her wondering, what really happened to her parents?

Caught between the worlds of Good and Evil, Jade Scorpion must find her true path in this world. Right now, her uncle is one of the most powerful men in the realm of Nuzar’Eil. But it is he that she must overcome if she is ever to manifest her destiny.