Capital City Gazette, Isla de Mariyah, Local Government, National Government, New Sienna, Uncategorized
Dear Editor,
Why is the National government even considering the proposal to drill on Isla de Marayah?
I understand we all need power, but it seems to me that good old fashioned wind and water power have been doing us just fine.
There are plenty of natural power sources that don’t require us harming the plane that sustains us. Our realm provides us with all the food, resources and energy we need. We should not be choosing to harm our home, only to meet our greedy desires.
How much power do we as people need anyway?
How many more machines will be built in the name of progress?
How many forests will be desecrated in the name of big business and financial prosperity?
When will the people’s voice really matter?
I challenge every Citizen of Capital City to unite in one voice to challenge the establishment and their destructive and corruptive ways!
We shall be heard!
There is no progress if the home of all humanity is destroyed. Together we must work together to save us all.
Love, Peace and Preservation,
Nature’s Champion