The year is 3073 in a land not so different from our own. The world of Nu’ZarEil is on the brink of another Great War. For decades The World Alliance has seemingly been on one accord, to promote peace and cooperative works amongst its members. However, as is so often the case, there are those parties who would rather benefit themselves than the greater good of all. To people like this, personal gain is the greatest good.
The Great War of 3033, changed the political boundaries of the entire plane, with the most powerful nations claiming territories across the world. When this happened, many of the now conquered territories prayed and planned for the day when they would fight for their independence. For many of these people, that day has arrived.
The Royals of New Sienna have territories across the world, on top of the districts they have claimed as their own over the centuries. There are many citizens of New Sienna, and the world, for that matter, who question the Royals families’ entitlement to their rule. The Royals’ position of rulership has always been a source of contention, especially with the ancestors of the original ruling family. They would say that these “so-called-royals” have no authority whatsoever.
The Federation of The Royal Indigenous Clan was founded by Monroe Sallamalan, in an effort to establish the rightful rulership to the tribe of Salamalan. It is the FRIC’s position, that the modern royal families usurped the throne from his families ancestors in an illegal and highly unethical fashion. It is their goal to see the Salamalan family reinstated as the true rulers of New Sienna.
Most citizens of New Sienna are unmoved by FRIC’s fight. Right now everyone is worried about the possibility of a second Great War. The casualties from The Great War were tremendous, and it’s not as though that was the last war on record to take the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. However the youth of New Sienna are adamantly against this war, and they are protesting across the nation.
The Youth Party of New Sienna has rallied together, taking up the banner to speak for the young citizens who seemingly have no voice. They have made their position clear, “No Draft! No War! No more innocent lives lost.” “How can the lives of this great nation’s youth be pledged to give their lives in a war launched by the elders? Is this fair? Is this right?”
The rumbles of war are shaking up the world. The Nation of New Sienna is brewing with unrest, and its Capital City is no exception. The metropolis of Capital City is bright, shiny, big and exciting. Everything anyone could ever look for in a city. Including all of the ills that ail huge populations crammed into small areas of land. With a population over 8.3 Million, trouble is definitely on the rise.
What was once a simple settlement of Indigenous farmers and fisherman, has now become one of the largest cities in the world. And it certainly has not been spared from all the troubles that come along with such a distinction.
Criminals are thriving. Crooked politicians are manipulating the masses. The dissension of the citizens is growing and growing with each new day. The good people of the city have been working and praying to see a change in their home. Little do they know, their prayers have been heard by The Heavens above.
As of late, there is another phenomena popping up in Capital City: Super Powered Humans, also known as Adroits. For centuries there have been legends of people with special powers, granted by Divinity, to protect the world from darkness. However, most of modern society has brushed those stories off as nothing but fantasy or fairy tales. But soon and very soon, all truth will be revealed.
But times, they are a changing! Reports of Adroit sightings are on the rise, both good and bad. From rescuing folks in crashed cars, to robbing banks and burning down buildings, they’ve been reported all over the place, and it’s making people nervous.
“Are they here to help? Or hurt?” This is the question on so many people’s minds.
To deal with the threat, the Capital City Police Department has created a new Special Adroits Unit. They’ve taken some of their best officers and tasked them with hunting down these Adroits, assessing their threat to the city, and capturing them whenever possible. These are brave souls taking on this challenge, and they know they are ill-equipped for the task at hand. However, they are committed to doing what they must to keep their city safe.
The citizens of Capital City are brave and hopeful. However, they know that something must change, and soon. It’s almost as though a dark cloud is moving in over their city, but no-one really knows what to do. But as always, there is hope!
One man, on a search to discover his true identity, has found his fate intertwined with this great city. He is a man who has been trained in the ways of righteousness and instilled with a fire to help those who cannot help themselves; a man whose selflessness is only outweighed by his bravery; a man whose obsession with the truth is never compromised and no longer understands the meaning of “I can’t.”
This man is Crimson Hawk, a lost soldier on a mission to save the world, and find himself along the way. The Crimson Hawk, also known as Max Ward, has set up shop in Capital City in a major way. No one knows who he is, but they are thankful for his service. Partnered with his best friends/adoptive family, Pops and Leeka, they are on a mission to right many wrongs and uncover one of the biggest conspiracies of darkness this realm has ever seen.
You see, many people are concerned with the ills of politics. Others are obsessed with the dangers of criminal underworld. Yet and still there are even more who worry about the corrupt royals and their militaries or even the deadly drugs sweeping the streets and destroying the minds of our youth.
But what most don’t understand is that there is one source of power for all of these threats. The Evil Darkness of Chaos fuels the fires of dissension, unrest and unconscionable acts across the land. And only The Light of Divinity can bring it all to an end. It is this very light that drives The Crimson Hawk, Pops, Leeka and every divinely appointed champion that is called to fight The Darkness and restore Divine Order to the realm of Nuz’ZarEil.