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Capital City, Mario Herrera, The New Arkton

Interview by Tameka Cotton

Mocha lovers of Capital City are raving over the Purple Mountain Coffee that has taken the country by storm. Drinkers of this strong brew are lining up for a cup, that some have called the most delicious coffee in the world! From Las Montañas de Púrpura in the nation of Puerto Padre, these fine specimens are harvested and processed by hand. These mountain coffee artisans process the beans in keeping with their century old traditions.

In all these years of coffee history, there is one family who has worked diligently to bring this exotic brew to the finest cafe’s in town. The Herrera Family lays claim to this creative caffeine legacy. They can trace their family lineage back hundreds of years. Generation after generation has lived and worked in Las Montañas de Púrpura, with its beautiful purple hillsides. The Herrera Coffee Plantations have long been a source of pride and respect in the region.

However, this superb coffee blend has only been available outside the borders of Puerto Padre for a very short time. Jose Herrera was the first of his family to explore the world of international commerce. That was almost 40 years ago. Now his son Mario has set his sights on building a bigger, better, and even more successful future for the family company. He’s known success his entire life, and only wants more.

Mario Herrera’s childhood was far from the pauper’s tales we’ve heard so often before. Their family’s plantations had long earned significant profits. So the company’s entrance into the New Sienna market only increased their wealth. When asked about his childhood, the young Herrera had this to say, in his thick accent:

Of course there are many families who have faced financial struggles. Fortunately for the Herreras, that is not our story. Perhaps hundreds of years ago, things may have different. However, I do not know of such a time. Yet, this does not mean that we do not work hard. We are driven, ambitious, and cunning in business. I am proud of my legacy, and will work to make it even greater.

With a charming smile he sips his coffee. No milk, no sugar, black is how he drinks it — strong, bold and invigorating, as he describes. Mario’s preference for his coffee is much like his approach to business and life.

It should come as no surprise that Herrera is often seen traipsing around town at the newest hotspot, or film release. If you’re an avid reader of “The New Arkton Digest” you’ve no doubt seen him in our social pages with a lovely lady on his arm. When we asked about his romantic side, he was quick to dodge the question. Apparently Mr. Herrera likes to keep his personal life private. We can respect that. This meeting, he was all business and wanted to make sure we had a good grasp of his vision for the future.

“I want to expand and diversify, he boasted. I am preparing Purple Mountain Coffee to move beyond our past vision, and embrace the potential of the future. It is my job to equip our company with the proper tools for the next century of international commerce. We must be focused, flexible and fortuitous.” Then he adds with a chuckle, “And perhaps have a little fun along the way.”


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Club Lavish, Lola Foxx, Marquis LeBlanc, New Arkton, New Sienna, The New Arkton

Interview by Eshe Furaha

Music, dining, dancing, and “The Beautiful People” . . . What more could a social butterfly need in life? Or better yet, what could they need in their nightlife? Discerning partygoers have refined tastes and crave social experiences that they will never forget. It’s not easy finding the perfect combination of location, entertainment, and style.

Though it is not easy task, it seems the owners of the newest “It Club” of Capital City, Club Lavish, have definitely hit the mark. According to the murmurs of New Arkton’s most influential socialites, Club Lavish is certainly “Where it’s at!” — as the young people say. From politicians to movie producers, the city’s most notable names have been spotted on Lavish’s red carpet. And there’s no shortage of everyday people lined up, hoping to get a glimpse of the fascinating events unfolding inside.

Yes, ladies and gents, it seems there is a new contender vying for the title of New Arkton’s best night club. Especially now that Giseppe’s Lounge has closed its doors, due to a mysterious fire. Though they will be missed, it won’t be for long. Club Lavish has certainly superseded Giseppe’s as the finest club in town. It has bigger and better music acts, five star cuisine, and impeccable decor that would impress even the most royal of royals.

Owned by the experienced entertainment entrepreneur, Marquis LeBlanc, Club Lavish seems to have found that mysterious formula for long lasting success. But only time will tell if they can keep it up. Located in the heart of historic New Arkton, the location used to be The Olde Dullen Theatre.

Natives of Capital City will no doubt remember the theater back in it’s heyday. It was built at the height of New Arkton’s glittery and glamorous days of high society, dripping with wealth. The building is filled with artisan crafted fixtures and sculptures. It was constructed way back in 2990 for the “Capital City World’s Fair and Exhibition of Modern Human Ingenuity.” From the floorboards to the chandeliers, you can see that no expense was spared in the building of this monumental structure. Undoubtedly, there must have been equal care and expense given to the renovation and restoration of this historic gem.

“Groovy Baby! Groovy!” Shouts Marquis LeBlanc as he boasts over his current and past successes. “We’ve got the hottest ticket in the city, and that’s a fact Jack! The only joint that can give us a run for our money is The Groove Palace! But here’s the catch, Cap’n!” He continues dramatically, “We own that one too! Ha, ha, ha!”

As boastful as he may sound, Marquis has sound foundation for his claims. His Las Gracias venue has certainly made its mark on the city. The biggest names in entertainment can be found there any night of the week.

But let us not forget about his beautiful songstress and “partner in crime”, Miss Lola Foxx. After selling out shows night after night at the Groove Palace, we’re confident her shows in New Arkton will be even more spectacular!

Before concluding our interview, LeBlanc had this to say:

“Listen up cool cats! Here’s a message to all my folks who really know how to par-tay. Ya dig? Club Lavish is the new “It Club” of Capital City! It’s happening in a super groovy way baby! The grand opening is in just a few weeks, but we’ve got exclusive events lined up every night! The baddest names in music and film have already walked the red carpet. You know what I’m sayin’? Just last week, Donna Strong and TriLand Films hosted a preview party for ‘The Blue Mammoth.’ I’m tellling you, we’re going to blow up, just like that movie did at the box office. I mean, it should be illegal for a club to be this popular, before opening night! Ha, ha, ha! But that’s how we do baby. Keepin’ the groove real smooth.”


Capital City, New Arkton, The New Arkton

Food. Night Life. Fun

Capital City has long been a tourism destination for the most discerning travelers in the realm. People come from across the world to marvel at our city’s sophistication, architecture, cuisine, and entertainment. With everything Capital City has to offer, it’s easy to see why so many fine folks have made it their home.

The oldest district in the city is Capital Island. It was the original capital of New Sienna upon its founding in 2867. Over the centuries, the settlement grew, and outlying communities officially became a part of the capital. Though Capital Island is the most historic, New Arkton comes in as a close second.

Second in age only by a few years, New Arkton was founded as a settlement of immigrants from Old Arkton across the Aquilla Sea. The Vonderdöm family, of course, had a great deal to do with its establishment and growth over the years. Though it cannot bear the distinction of the most historic, New Arkton has certainly earned the titles of most exciting, most developed and perhaps, most intriguing.

Of course, New Arkton has its fair share of historic sights. The New Arkton Stock Exchange, on the south side of the district, is still one of the oldest buildings in the city. Erected in 2982 by the Royal Commerce Commission, this building has always been a representation of wealth in New Sienna.

Then there are the Royal Triconite Towers on the northern bank of Capital Bay. Built in 2983 by the Nubãkaru family, this trio of edifices has become an international symbol for the progressiveness and prosperity of New Sienna. An amazing feat of architecture, these towers are home to some of the most prominent and successful corporations in the world.

If architecture isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps the theatre might tickle your fancy. New Arkton is home to the biggest Theatre District in the country, and one of the largest in all the realm. Up and down Byron Jacquet Boulevard, visitors can find an abundance of theatrical venues showcasing the brightest names in entertainment. No matter your preference, comedy, drama or musical, there’s a show to appease even the most discerning theater-goer.

Just north of the Theatre District, you can find some of the most amazing shops and restaurants. Mimi’s Cafe has become quite a hit with their innovative Mira Mira fusion cuisine. They’ve won numerous awards for both their menu and ambiance. However, if you’re in the mood for something a little more casual, then you must pay a visit to Flasheen Express! This restaurant chain launched in Las Gracias and made its way to the streets of New Arkton.

From food to fashion, history to entertainment, New Arkton has what you’re looking for! If you never been to Capital City, then you’re certainly missing out. So book your flight today, and choose New Arkton as the epicenter of your vacation excursion.


Adroit Comics, New Sienna, The New Arkton

Movie Review

By Trina Barracks

Riveting! Hypnotizing! Captivating!
Donna Strong’s news film is all of these things and more. Her film adaptation of Jasper Bradshaw’s epic secret agent series, “Jelani Brown”left us all wanting more, more, more! We must say that this film had us stuck to out seats, moths agape, surprised at every twist and turn. Even as a reader of the series, I found myself enthralled, forgetting that I already knew how the story would end. But somehow, she’s worked her move magic once again.

Byron Avery, the young and, relatively, unknown talent perfectly captures the essence of the titular character Jelani Brown. For years we’ve read Bradshaw’s novels, with on our imagination’s depiction of the beloved agent. Yet, the nuances, the energy, the savior fare shown by Avery solidified him as Jelani Brown to the world! There could not have been a better actor to portray this role.

I simply enjoyed this film so much, that it’s challenging to not share any spoilers. It’s amazing how much this interpretation remains true to the original text. The chemistry Miss La’Moure and Avery was undeniable. Their scenes, though modest, left us wondering if a real romance lies in their future . . . or present!

Clifton Hearst truly wowed us with his villainous performance. His previous roles were of a more comedic nature, so this was new territory for him. Before viewing the film, I was more than a nit skeptical as to whether he’d be able to pull off such an intense role. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. The levels of depth that he was able to give to the Kill Switch character was commendable. He certainly played a bad guy that we could love to hate.

From direction to production, and every person who contributed to the film’s success, they should all be very proud. Our only critique might be the editing. At times, the transitions were a bit to abrupt for my liking. However, this is just one reviewer’s opinion. Overall, I give “Heavy is the Crown” five stars! This is a movie you don’t want to miss. i may too intense for younger audiences, but it it the perfect date night film.

Filmed on location across Capital City, this film has its fair share of thrills, chills, actions and romance. The movie opens to Jelani contemplating his next move. Does he return to the secret service that’s almost killed him, time after time. Or, does he throw it all away and start over? Start over, begin anew, he ponders the thought uneasily. Could he possibly live a normal life? How could someone who’s been through so much, simply walk away. How could he possibly do anything outside of secret agent life.

Once and agent, always and agent. At least that’s what the organization had taught him. Brown decides to leave his old life behind and discover the world of civilians. But, as he makes steps to start a new life. everything changes the blink of an eye. A beautiful princess and her father are in mortal danger. And of course, Jelani Brown is the only agent who can save them.

Take my advice, this is one film you don’t want to miss. Donna Strong and Triland films have a definite hit on their hands. “Heavy is the Crown” hits theaters this weekend! Get your tickets now, before they’re sold out.