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Adroit Comics, National Government, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil

The great nation, now known as New Sienna, was once upon a time simply “Sienna.” But our Royal Families had the foresight and fortitude to bring about a revolution that would change the face of the world.

Sienna had once been a peaceful land, full of cooperative works and peoples from across the realm. The land of Sienna was rich with resources: freshwater, acres, and acres of timber, fertile soils, and caverns full of precious metals and gems. Over the centuries, the native ruling family had been welcoming and supportive of newcomers.

But there came a day when the ruling family lost their way. Becoming foolhardy and greedy, the young King Shemaha Salamalan changed everything. His edicts were harsh and disruptive to the citizens of Sienna, both native and foreign. Families across the land were in an uproar and fearful of what the future could bring. However, twelve leaders united the families of Sienna to fight back against the king’s tyrannous rule. As happens so many times in history, there was one person who stood up to make a difference. There was one person who inspired the citizens to take action for what is right. That man was Devin Vonderdöm, of the Vonderdöm clan. His ancestors had arrived on the shores of Sienna almost one hundred years before. Traveling from Old Arkton, his family had always worked in trading precious metals and resources. The Vonderdöm clan had built much wealth before migrating to Sienna and had earned even more since they’d settled. Seeing that his family’s livelihood was in jeopardy from the king’s new orders, the noble Vonderdöm knew that he couldn’t sit by and see all that they had worked for be lost.

From that moment forth, I knew that everything would be different. How could I bear witness to such transgressions as these and say nothing? How could I, Devin, from the long line of Vonderdöms, allow the rights of myself and my family to be usurped? The answer is simple, I could not, and would not go down in history as a side-note. The world would not look back and say that Devin Vonderdöm did not fight for his family’s freedoms. The freedom to live, the freedom to build, and the freedom of enterprise.

– Excerpt from Devin Vonderdöm’s Personal Diary circa 2885

With that understanding, he joined with other like-minded leaders of the community. Together these leaders worked to unite families across the land to resist the new laws that threatened their prosperity. They urged their followers to fight for the rights that had long ago been granted to their forefathers. These same rights should be due to them as well.

These leaders became known as the Royals of New Sienna, and their war has gone down in history as The Royal Rebellion of Sienna. Lasting for five years, many lives were lost. Many mourned the losses of this great nation and looked with hopefulness to the future. And what a wonderful future it proved to be.

Under the wise and considerate leadership of New Sienna’s Royal Families, our nation has become the most powerful in the realm. In this, all of our citizens should take pride.


Capital City, Capital City Gazette, International News, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil

Pauline Weston- CCG Writer

Administrators of The Natural Museum of Capital City are upset and confused over, what many have called, an impossible robbery. The Quintessence Sapphire was stolen from its case last night. A national exhibition tour had been scheduled to begin today. The precious stone was to be shown around the country at museums in only the most prominent cities.

It has been rumored that this mysterious sapphire has quite the history. Some say it was owned by an ancient Royal family. Some even believe an outlandish tale involving powerful battles and inter-dimensional travel. It’s amazing what some people will believe nowadays.

No matter what you choose to believe, it obviously holds great value. Now, it is owned by a rather wealthy family of collectors, who wish to remain anonymous. Perhaps this latest incident will be just another addition to it’s rumored past.

These are the facts as we know them. The sapphire was held in a locked case. This case was placed in a secured room inside the museum. The only door to the secure room was watched by two armed guards who stood duty all night.

However, when the museum’s curator and director went to retrieve the gemstone, the case was empty. Of course, they were shocked, dismayed, and irate. They promptly alerted the authorities. Detectives rushed to the scene of the crime, eager to solve this mystery. As of yet, no clues have been reported, and the officers have no leads.

The Capital City Police Department is offering a reward for any information that can help them to solve this case. We’re sure the Museum and anonymous owners of the Quintessence Sapphire hope it can be recovered, and not simply vanish, adding another mystery to its history.


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Hampton Heights, International News, Jamal McCall, Local Government, Nu’ZarEil

Good Evening Capital City!
Jamal McCall here with breaking news!

The city is restless with tension after today’s unexpected events on the campus of Beckwourth University. The Young People’s Party of New Sienna, formerly known as the Youth Party, had planned a non-violent rally to protest against New Sienna’s participation in the Galatian conflict overseas. What was intended to be a peaceful demonstration to raise awareness and support, somehow turned into a rather dangerous affair.

It is unclear at this time what ultimately sparked the conflict. However, here’s what we know so far.

Flyers for the event called upon the students of Beckwourth University, and other area schools, to unite for a day of camaraderie and making their voices heard. The rising tensions in New Sienna have rumors of another draft being implemented.

The last time the New Sienna Government enforced a military draft was almost 12 years ago prior to the Keyoshian War. Millions of young men and women were enlisted to help fight. This is what the Young People’s Party hopes to prevent. In their words, “We want peace! We don’t need another pointless war! This is your battle, not ours! Why are we the ones who must fight?”

The new president of the party, Issac Tisdale, has been instrumental in building up a new and stronger representation for the younger citizens of our nation. There are many who praise his work. However, there are some who fear he may be an extremist in disguise.

According to eyewitness reports, the rally began with speeches from party leaders to really get the crowd moving. The most anticipated speaker was Monroe Salamalan. A staunch Anti-Royalist, he has been working for the past few years to gain support for the Indigenous Salamalan Tribe’s claim to their original lands. His organization, the Federation of the Royal Indigenous Clan (F.R.I.C.) has been a supporter of the Youth Party from its inception.

Apparently, there were some people in attendance who disagreed with the Tisdale and Salamalan’s speeches. Because right after they ended their presentations, an unidentified group of dissenters began shouting and moving towards the stage. Within moments, a fight broke out. Campus police were able to break it up. Luckily there were only minor injuries, and no one was arrested.

We can only hope that things will remain calm in the future. With murmurs of warn growing across the seas, we can’t afford to fight one another, here on our own shores.

That’s all for now.
And remember, if you didn’t see it on ABN 9, then it isn’t really news.
Jamal McCall signing off.


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Guardians of New Sienna, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil
  1. adroit [ə-droit′]
  2. quick and skillful in body or mind, deft.
  3. ingenious; ready in invention or execution; possessing readiness of resource.a human being possessing special or unique qualities that stand out from the norm.

The Adroit Comics Universe exists in a realm far, far away from Earth. In our world, it was once common knowledge that people with special powers existed. There are countless myths and legends about adroit humans with abilities far beyond the understanding of most. Though modern times have found the knowledge of Adroits suppressed, we know the truth. This world is far more advanced and complex than the powers-that-be would have you believe. How could they have you believe that you could possibly possess the power to fly, or run faster than the speed of sound? How could they ever control the minds of humanity, if we only grasped the strength and untapped power that had been granted to us by The Creator of All? If the unique, unknowing Adroits could all realize their true powers . . . who could stop them? Certainly not the powers of darkness. It is in the realm of Nuzar’Eil that our stories take place. This is a world full of the rich and poor, strong and weak, the good and the evil. Just as on Earth, there are powers of darkness working against The Eternal Light. This is the light that shines through all of Creation. It is a fight that has lasted the ages. However, Light always has, and always will banish Darkness. The evildoers of our world are motivated by many factors: greed, power, revenge, and abandonment issues to name a few. There are even those who deal with their own twisted versions of reality, in which they are the supreme power. Fueled by Chaos, these beings have dedicated their lives to get what they want . . . at any cost. Our champions are seemingly simple people, who have come to live complicated lives. Their powers manifest in different ways, and at different times. But each and every warrior has their own special story to tell. No matter who they are, or where they hail from, they are fighting to help save the world from the clutches of Darkness.Welcome to the Adroit Comics Universe! Our realms are built on ancient foundations, mingled with futuristic politics, technology, and innovation. We’re working to create a world where you can feel free to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. We want this to be a place where you can be inspired to discover your own Adroit powers. May the powers of Light guide your path and forever protect you from the powers of darkness. We pray that the words and images within our pages can be a beacon of hope. And also, a reminder, that when all is said and done, good triumphs over evil.


Adroit Comics, National Government, New Sienna, Nu’ZarEil

The year is 3073 in a land not so different from our own. The world of Nu’ZarEil is on the brink of another Great War. For decades The World Alliance has seemingly been on one accord, to promote peace and cooperative works amongst its members. However, as is so often the case, there are those parties who would rather benefit themselves than the greater good of all. To people like this, personal gain is the greatest good.

The Great War of 3033, changed the political boundaries of the entire plane, with the most powerful nations claiming territories across the world. When this happened, many of the now conquered territories prayed and planned for the day when they would fight for their independence. For many of these people, that day has arrived.

The Royals of New Sienna have territories across the world, on top of the districts they have claimed as their own over the centuries. There are many citizens of New Sienna, and the world, for that matter, who question the Royals families’ entitlement to their rule. The Royals’ position of rulership has always been a source of contention, especially with the ancestors of the original ruling family. They would say that these “so-called-royals” have no authority whatsoever.

The Federation of The Royal Indigenous Clan was founded by Monroe Sallamalan, in an effort to establish the rightful rulership to the tribe of Salamalan. It is the FRIC’s position, that the modern royal families usurped the throne from his families ancestors in an illegal and highly unethical fashion. It is their goal to see the Salamalan family reinstated as the true rulers of New Sienna.

Most citizens of New Sienna are unmoved by FRIC’s fight. Right now everyone is worried about the possibility of a second Great War. The casualties from The Great War were tremendous, and it’s not as though that was the last war on record to take the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. However the youth of New Sienna are adamantly against this war, and they are protesting across the nation.

The Youth Party of New Sienna has rallied together, taking up the banner to speak for the young citizens who seemingly have no voice. They have made their position clear, “No Draft! No War! No more innocent lives lost.” “How can the lives of this great nation’s youth be pledged to give their lives in a war launched by the elders? Is this fair? Is this right?”

The rumbles of war are shaking up the world. The Nation of New Sienna is brewing with unrest, and its Capital City is no exception. The metropolis of Capital City is bright, shiny, big and exciting. Everything anyone could ever look for in a city. Including all of the ills that ail huge populations crammed into small areas of land. With a population over 8.3 Million, trouble is definitely on the rise.

What was once a simple settlement of Indigenous farmers and fisherman, has now become one of the largest cities in the world. And it certainly has not been spared from all the troubles that come along with such a distinction.

Criminals are thriving. Crooked politicians are manipulating the masses. The dissension of the citizens is growing and growing with each new day. The good people of the city have been working and praying to see a change in their home. Little do they know, their prayers have been heard by The Heavens above.

As of late, there is another phenomena popping up in Capital City: Super Powered Humans, also known as Adroits. For centuries there have been legends of people with special powers, granted by Divinity, to protect the world from darkness. However, most of modern society has brushed those stories off as nothing but fantasy or fairy tales. But soon and very soon, all truth will be revealed.

But times, they are a changing! Reports of Adroit sightings are on the rise, both good and bad. From rescuing folks in crashed cars, to robbing banks and burning down buildings, they’ve been reported all over the place, and it’s making people nervous.

“Are they here to help? Or hurt?” This is the question on so many people’s minds.

To deal with the threat, the Capital City Police Department has created a new Special Adroits Unit. They’ve taken some of their best officers and tasked them with hunting down these Adroits, assessing their threat to the city, and capturing them whenever possible. These are brave souls taking on this challenge, and they know they are ill-equipped for the task at hand. However, they are committed to doing what they must to keep their city safe.

The citizens of Capital City are brave and hopeful. However, they know that something must change, and soon. It’s almost as though a dark cloud is moving in over their city, but no-one really knows what to do. But as always, there is hope!

One man, on a search to discover his true identity, has found his fate intertwined with this great city. He is a man who has been trained in the ways of righteousness and instilled with a fire to help those who cannot help themselves; a man whose selflessness is only outweighed by his bravery; a man whose obsession with the truth is never compromised and no longer understands the meaning of “I can’t.”

This man is Crimson Hawk, a lost soldier on a mission to save the world, and find himself along the way. The Crimson Hawk, also known as Max Ward, has set up shop in Capital City in a major way. No one knows who he is, but they are thankful for his service. Partnered with his best friends/adoptive family, Pops and Leeka, they are on a mission to right many wrongs and uncover one of the biggest conspiracies of darkness this realm has ever seen.

You see, many people are concerned with the ills of politics. Others are obsessed with the dangers of criminal underworld. Yet and still there are even more who worry about the corrupt royals and their militaries or even the deadly drugs sweeping the streets and destroying the minds of our youth.

But what most don’t understand is that there is one source of power for all of these threats. The Evil Darkness of Chaos fuels the fires of dissension, unrest and unconscionable acts across the land. And only The Light of Divinity can bring it all to an end. It is this very light that drives The Crimson Hawk, Pops, Leeka and every divinely appointed champion that is called to fight The Darkness and restore Divine Order to the realm of Nuz’ZarEil.