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Camouflage, Capital City, Orchid Bee

Sometimes life seems to be moving a mile per minute. A whirlwind of discoveries and
adventures, time can fly by at lightning speed, disappearing into the past, never to be
seen again. That’s certainly how Ralph and Rebecca feel right about now. Fraternal
twins, Rebecca is the eldest, by five minutes. And she never lets her brother forget it.
With everything going on in their lives, she feels like she’s responsible for Ralph. So,
she’s always buzzing around trying to make sure everything is ok.

Conversely, Ralph worries about his sister taking everything so seriously. He knows
that times are tough. Yet he also feels that life is worth living and meant to be enjoyed,
no matter how hard things may get. He enjoys a good joke joke, and sometimes takes
things too lightly. It’s just that he understands he can’t control everything. Most of
the time he just tries to go with the flow and blend in with the rest of humanity.

It seems like only yesterday their parents first explained the history of their family.
Though the world believes Adroits are mere fairytales, the twins always knew the
stories were real. Their parents made sure of that. Though their family legacy was
impressive, Ralph and Rebecca had a unique calling on their lives.

Of course, every child has a special purpose. But what if yours was so special that
people had written about you thousands of years ago? Pretty heavy huh? Well that’s
the reality these two face everyday. The story is complicated, but needless to say, the
twins have a lot on their minds. Now sixteen years old, they’ve had powers for about
three years. However, they knew in their hearts that they were Adroits long before
their powers manifested.

As little kids they would stare into the sky dreaming about the different types of
powers that they could have. Never did they imagine what the future truly held in
store. Who could have known they would become Orchid Bee and Camouflage?!

When Ralph first began to disappear, Becca and their parents were thrilled. They
were also a bit nervous. Though they believed the stories passed down through the
generations, none of them had ever truly seen a person with powers before. It was
thrilling, and frightening. Scared or not, their powers had arrived.

Needless to say, everyone in the family, including Becca herself, nearly passed out
when she sprouted beautiful rainbow colored wings. Bees had always seemed to
follow her around. It was like they had some special attraction to her. Now, its like
she’s their queen and they respond to her every whim. It seems like only yesterday
they experienced that life changing transformation. Those were happy times.

Sadly, times have changed. Their entire lives are different. About a year ago, their
parents went on an archeological expedition and never returned. The world thinks
they are dead, but Rebecca and Ralph believe the opposite. The twins know their
parents are still alive. They are on a mission to find their parents before another year
rolls around. Aunt Eboni is trying to protect them, so are Max, Pops and Likka. But
when destiny calls, you’ve got to answer.


ABN News, Bucky Hayes, Capital City, Capital City Monarchs, New Arkton Bears, New Sienna, RBL Baseball

The New Arkton Bears are champions, today and forever. The Bears topped the Capital City Monarchs 9-4 at Monarchs Ballpark today to claim the R.B.L. Championship Series crown.

“Nobody can take this away from us, not ever,” said series MVP and center fielder Bucky Hayes after his club had sealed the victory. “We worked hard and we accomplished our goal.”

The atmosphere was electric as the newly-crowned champs stormed the field at the conclusion of the game. Fans cheered, gloves flew in the air, high fives and hugs were the order of the day.

“From day one of spring training, I could see it in their eyes,” said New Arkton manager Willard Johnson. “The players had that look of intensity, of hunger, of a desire to accomplish something great, and today they did that. They’re champions of the world.”

The Bears took the series 4-0. The new titleholders completed the regular season with a first-place finish in the National League East Division and a 140-22 record.


Capital City, Capital City Gazette, Curtis Perry, New Sienna

Curtis Perry – Investigative Reporter

For the past 50 years, Jackson & Jackson Paper Co. has been a staple in the community. Founded in 3023 by Conrad Jackson and his older brother Darryl, this company has been providing quality papers products for businesses in Capital City. Many have reviewed the company, saying that they provide the best products at the best prices. However today their offices lie empty as highly damaging reports circulate around the city.

This afternoon, CCPD Detectives intercepted a shipment headed out of the country. Inside the shipping container that was supposed to carry finely milled stationary, officers found a plethora of stolen goods.

Authorities confiscated stolen weapons, jewelry, and other luxury goods found inside the shipment. This discovery was fueled by an anonymous tip called into the precinct. The tipster refused to share their identity with the police. This, of course, was understandable. Anonymous tips come into their precincts all the time. However detectives feel that this tip was somehow different.

It seemed like the informant had direct, first-hand knowledge of the crime being committed. It was far from your everyday call from a little old lady suspicious of her new neighbors. Furthermore, this discovery led to the seizure of many more shipments, as well as the home office located in New Arkton.

When asked about their prime suspects, authorities shared only one name, Micheal King. He was recently promoted to General Manager, and had access to the resources needed to carry the smuggling plan out. Though it seems like he was a likeable guy, all the evidence points to him being the ring leader of the operation.

Though King has not been officially charged, he is wanted for questioning in this case. If you have any information as to the whereabouts of Michael King, be sure to contact the Capital City Police Department today. We must all do our part to keep the streets of Capital City safe.


Capital City, Mario Herrera, The New Arkton

Interview by Tameka Cotton

Mocha lovers of Capital City are raving over the Purple Mountain Coffee that has taken the country by storm. Drinkers of this strong brew are lining up for a cup, that some have called the most delicious coffee in the world! From Las Montañas de Púrpura in the nation of Puerto Padre, these fine specimens are harvested and processed by hand. These mountain coffee artisans process the beans in keeping with their century old traditions.

In all these years of coffee history, there is one family who has worked diligently to bring this exotic brew to the finest cafe’s in town. The Herrera Family lays claim to this creative caffeine legacy. They can trace their family lineage back hundreds of years. Generation after generation has lived and worked in Las Montañas de Púrpura, with its beautiful purple hillsides. The Herrera Coffee Plantations have long been a source of pride and respect in the region.

However, this superb coffee blend has only been available outside the borders of Puerto Padre for a very short time. Jose Herrera was the first of his family to explore the world of international commerce. That was almost 40 years ago. Now his son Mario has set his sights on building a bigger, better, and even more successful future for the family company. He’s known success his entire life, and only wants more.

Mario Herrera’s childhood was far from the pauper’s tales we’ve heard so often before. Their family’s plantations had long earned significant profits. So the company’s entrance into the New Sienna market only increased their wealth. When asked about his childhood, the young Herrera had this to say, in his thick accent:

Of course there are many families who have faced financial struggles. Fortunately for the Herreras, that is not our story. Perhaps hundreds of years ago, things may have different. However, I do not know of such a time. Yet, this does not mean that we do not work hard. We are driven, ambitious, and cunning in business. I am proud of my legacy, and will work to make it even greater.

With a charming smile he sips his coffee. No milk, no sugar, black is how he drinks it — strong, bold and invigorating, as he describes. Mario’s preference for his coffee is much like his approach to business and life.

It should come as no surprise that Herrera is often seen traipsing around town at the newest hotspot, or film release. If you’re an avid reader of “The New Arkton Digest” you’ve no doubt seen him in our social pages with a lovely lady on his arm. When we asked about his romantic side, he was quick to dodge the question. Apparently Mr. Herrera likes to keep his personal life private. We can respect that. This meeting, he was all business and wanted to make sure we had a good grasp of his vision for the future.

“I want to expand and diversify, he boasted. I am preparing Purple Mountain Coffee to move beyond our past vision, and embrace the potential of the future. It is my job to equip our company with the proper tools for the next century of international commerce. We must be focused, flexible and fortuitous.” Then he adds with a chuckle, “And perhaps have a little fun along the way.”


ABN News, Capital City, Capital City Monarchs, New Arkton, New Arkton Bears, RBL Baseball

The New Arkton Bears are one game away from a sweep of the Capital City Monarchs today after a road win at Monarchs Ballpark, 10-1. Bears right-hander Hector Gomez had a strong outing. He threw 9 innings of 5- hit ball. New Arkton now holds a 3-0 advantage in the best-of-7 League Championship Series.

Gomez allowed 1 run over 9 innings. He also racked up 10 strikeouts.

“I got everyone together and told them they did great today,” New Arkton manager Willard Johnson told ABN reporters after the game. “But I warned them that even if we make it out of the League Championship Series, it’s only going to get harder.”

The next game is scheduled for tomorrow at Monarchs Ballpark. The scheduled starters for the game are Hector Ramirez for the New Arkton Bears and Kenta Takano for the the Capital City Monarchs.


Capital City, SynerTech

The population of Capital City is growing leaps and bounds. Everyday more and more people move here and call it home. Every day, thousands of children are born increasing our population even more.The truth is, there’s no telling just how big our city will grow. That’s good news to some, but it could spell trouble if the city’s infrastructure cannot handle the rapid growth.

One ongoing concern for the Capital City Council has been the ability to supply adequate power to all citizens. Many may have experienced the recurring black and brown-outs that’s have been plaguing the city over the last few months. No one enjoys power outages. The folks on Capital Island know that something has to be done.

It appears a solution may be on the horizon! A new corporation has emerged in the clean energy race. And it seems like they may be taking the lead, at least in Capital City. SynerTech Energy is a start-up company committed to creating renewable, and sustainable energy, at a fraction of the current costs.

Many experts have scoffed at their claims, calling their proposed technology “Impossible!” However, they may be proving their critics wrong. Initial prototypes and testing all point toward success. What might be even better than the affordable, clean, energy technology, is SynerTech’s commitment to the community.

They are on a mission to help end homelessness in our fair city. The company president, Dr. Catherine Grow, made this statement at a recent press conference:

“It is our goal to help the environment and the community.Through clean energy, and providing jobs and stability to hundreds, even thousands of homeless people across the city, we can truly make a difference. Then, once we have succeeded here, we will take our mission across the world. Our transition and rehabilitation programs are aimed at the poorest of citizens to help them become productive members of society. We help them to use their energy in the optimal way, and become an outlet for their talents that have lied dormant and hidden for so long. We want to illuminate their lives in new and energizing ways!”

Her speech was well received by all. There has certainly been no shortage of volunteers for SynerTech’s new transition program. Of course, it’s no surprise that the Mayor has also given SynerTech his support in all of their endeavors.

Only time will tell if this new company is a bright and shining star, or another busted bulb promising results they cannot deliver.


Adroit Comics

Hey Adroit Family!

We’re in the middle of a move that has put a little cramp in our production!
We’ve been working to post every week day, but we’re just a bit behind. Our newest posts will be up, hopefully, later today!

If you’ve been reading our stories, we need to hear from you!

Please send your reviews, questions, and comments to

Also, be sure to check out our Capital City Mysteries Club at!

Thanks for reading, and check back tomorrow for more awesome reads!

Peace, Love, and Comics,
Zee and Mannie


Adroit Comics, Capital City, Club Lavish, Lola Foxx, Marquis LeBlanc, New Arkton, New Sienna, The New Arkton

Interview by Eshe Furaha

Music, dining, dancing, and “The Beautiful People” . . . What more could a social butterfly need in life? Or better yet, what could they need in their nightlife? Discerning partygoers have refined tastes and crave social experiences that they will never forget. It’s not easy finding the perfect combination of location, entertainment, and style.

Though it is not easy task, it seems the owners of the newest “It Club” of Capital City, Club Lavish, have definitely hit the mark. According to the murmurs of New Arkton’s most influential socialites, Club Lavish is certainly “Where it’s at!” — as the young people say. From politicians to movie producers, the city’s most notable names have been spotted on Lavish’s red carpet. And there’s no shortage of everyday people lined up, hoping to get a glimpse of the fascinating events unfolding inside.

Yes, ladies and gents, it seems there is a new contender vying for the title of New Arkton’s best night club. Especially now that Giseppe’s Lounge has closed its doors, due to a mysterious fire. Though they will be missed, it won’t be for long. Club Lavish has certainly superseded Giseppe’s as the finest club in town. It has bigger and better music acts, five star cuisine, and impeccable decor that would impress even the most royal of royals.

Owned by the experienced entertainment entrepreneur, Marquis LeBlanc, Club Lavish seems to have found that mysterious formula for long lasting success. But only time will tell if they can keep it up. Located in the heart of historic New Arkton, the location used to be The Olde Dullen Theatre.

Natives of Capital City will no doubt remember the theater back in it’s heyday. It was built at the height of New Arkton’s glittery and glamorous days of high society, dripping with wealth. The building is filled with artisan crafted fixtures and sculptures. It was constructed way back in 2990 for the “Capital City World’s Fair and Exhibition of Modern Human Ingenuity.” From the floorboards to the chandeliers, you can see that no expense was spared in the building of this monumental structure. Undoubtedly, there must have been equal care and expense given to the renovation and restoration of this historic gem.

“Groovy Baby! Groovy!” Shouts Marquis LeBlanc as he boasts over his current and past successes. “We’ve got the hottest ticket in the city, and that’s a fact Jack! The only joint that can give us a run for our money is The Groove Palace! But here’s the catch, Cap’n!” He continues dramatically, “We own that one too! Ha, ha, ha!”

As boastful as he may sound, Marquis has sound foundation for his claims. His Las Gracias venue has certainly made its mark on the city. The biggest names in entertainment can be found there any night of the week.

But let us not forget about his beautiful songstress and “partner in crime”, Miss Lola Foxx. After selling out shows night after night at the Groove Palace, we’re confident her shows in New Arkton will be even more spectacular!

Before concluding our interview, LeBlanc had this to say:

“Listen up cool cats! Here’s a message to all my folks who really know how to par-tay. Ya dig? Club Lavish is the new “It Club” of Capital City! It’s happening in a super groovy way baby! The grand opening is in just a few weeks, but we’ve got exclusive events lined up every night! The baddest names in music and film have already walked the red carpet. You know what I’m sayin’? Just last week, Donna Strong and TriLand Films hosted a preview party for ‘The Blue Mammoth.’ I’m tellling you, we’re going to blow up, just like that movie did at the box office. I mean, it should be illegal for a club to be this popular, before opening night! Ha, ha, ha! But that’s how we do baby. Keepin’ the groove real smooth.”


Crimson Hawk, Hawk's Log, Keyoshi, Max Norton

The minutes turned into hours, the hours into days, and the days into months. Each day I awoke to the sunrise, grateful for a new day, a new discovery, and a new opportunity to build upon the work that had already been done. I didn’t know if I would ever remember my past, and that was a thorn in my side. But if felt good to make new memories everyday.

The tales that Pops had shared that night in front of the bonfire made an undeniable impression on me. Sure, I had lost my memory. I had lost my past. But I didn’t know what I’d lost. My life may have been good, or bad, or somewhere in between. Yet these two beautiful souls, who had poured so much into me, a stranger, had lost everything they knew, and everyone they loved, except for each other.

Pops and Likka carried the knowledge of their past with them everyday. Yet they persevered, and were still committed to helping save the world. They were dedicated to fulfilling their destiny. It was their peace and drive that helped motivate me through the most trying of days.

As my mind became clearer, and my body stronger, Likka filled my hours with lessons about the ancient ways, prophecies, and their mission (now our mission) of fighting off the powers of Darkness. She shared so much with me, that I couldn’t possibly write it all here. I’d be writing for years, trying to keep a record of everything. But one thing is for certain, the task ahead was no easy feat. Likka did her best to keep things simple for me, which was a challenge for her. Her mind seemed to be moving a hundred miles per second. I did everything I could to keep up.

“I know we are teaching you so much, young man. I hope it is not too much for your mind right now. You have grown and healed so quickly, but I do not want to overwhelm your mind or body,” she said to me one morning.

The sun was making it’s way across the sky, but the heat was not unbearable. I welcomed the sunshine on my face as I wondered what Likka and Pops had in store for me today. Sometimes I’d spar and train with Pops to build my strength. Other days I would sit with Likka and learn about, well, everything I guess.

“I don’t feel overwhelmed at all Likka. I’m always excited to hear more from you. Some of this stuff is pretty wild, but I know its true. I know it’s real. I just wish I could know more about myself,” I replied.

She smiled knowingly. “Well, I do not have the answers about the life before your time here. However, I believe I have many clues about your future.”

This caught me a little off guard. I knew that Likka knew ,any, many, many things about the universe, and the history of it all. But how could she have any clues to my future? This was definitely a curious conversation.

“My future? What clues could you have about my future? You didn’t even know me until a few months ago?” I asked in confusion.

She just looked at me silently with a smile, then turned her eyes to the sky. There we stood quietly for a few moments before she said another word.

“Each and every human has a destiny that is laid before them. However, it is not a guaranteed destiny. It is not etched into the tablets of Divinity, unless we work to manifest it ourselves. Throughout the ages, there have been certain people who are called to greatness. Now achieving this greatness takes hard work, dedication, and absolute faith. However, the reward is greater than you can ever imagine.”

She turned her head from the sky, and looked me in my eyes. Her green eyes glowed in the sunlight. The wind picked up, and began to swirl around us. For a split second, it even seemed as if the sun shined even brighter.

I could think of only one word to say, “Yes.”

To be continued. . .


Adroit Comics, Capital City Mysteries, Curtis Perry

It had already been a month since the last time I had met my brother for lunch. It seemed like not too much had changed in the last few weeks. Shavonne and I were still having the same disagreements, though we hadn’t broken up. However, there was some movement in my ongoing Adroit investigation.

I looked around the crowded subway car. It was amazing how every person in that tiny space had a story that could fill volumes of books. Each and every person there had experienced life changing events, and the memories were all held within their hearts and minds. My heart and mind couldn’t help but feel heavy if I thought about my own story for too long.

It was far easier to focus on everyone else’s problems.

My patience was wearing thin with main stream reporting. I was just getting so tired of the bosses trying to hide the fact that Adroits were real! I knew they were real. The good news was that more and more people were beginning to see the truth. It was hard not to. With all of the reported sightings of super power humans, anyone should be able to see what was really going on.

But with hard nosed, money hungry publishers like that gruff, old George Wilson running things, the truth would never get out. There was no way he would risk upsetting anyone important, or influential, especially not with so many big budget advertisers lining his pockets.

I had experienced the pitfalls of Wilson’s pugnacious profit driven publishing time and time again. I’d felt the sting of fury as my hard-hitting editorial submissions were rejected and ultimately ended up in the rubbish bin. It had happened more times than I cared to count.

The subway car rumbled as we sped through the tunnels. Of course, there were maybe a hundred diners between my apartment and Ronny’s Diner, but this one had been my favorite for years now. When I first moved to Capital City, it seemed like I ate every meal there. Even when my cash was low, the owners always made sure I had something to eat.

Now, it was tradition. And, to be honest, it was the only place in the city where I truly felt at home. Ronny and his wife Rhonda had always made me feel welcome, and Dexter too, no matter how rough he may have looked. Though I looked forward to seeing my brother, our last meeting had been so strange. I had never seen Dex act like that before.

Truth be told, I’d been uneasy since our last lunch. My mind had been pondering over what could have caused such a transformation. He mentioned something about a new program, and a job, but he didn’t say too much else. That weird staring thing wasn’t sitting well with me either.

As the subway came to a halt, I prepared to make my way out of the car. As the people around me did the the same, I couldn’t help but remember how I’d found Dexter on this very subway line years ago. He had been missing for a year or two, when suddenly, he just appeared on the train.

At first glance, I knew it was him. How could I not know the face of my older brother? But for a moment, I second guessed myself. “It can’t be him,” I thought to myself. It didn’t matter, I knew the truth, and I had to say something to the man.

It was hard, but he was happy to see me, and I felt the same way. That’s when I found out that he’d been drifting around the city from shelter to shelter, just trying to find his way in life. That day we had lunch at Ronny’s, and it’s been our tradition ever since.

Walking up from the underground station, my eyes had to adjust to the light. People hustled and bustled by me, tending to their ever so important business. I had business to to tend to as well, but first, lunch.

I still couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling that had been following me for the past month. Hopefully things were going well for my brother, and all of this angst would have been for nothing. My steps brought me closer to the doorway of Ronny’s Diner. My eyes scanned the street in front of the building for his familiar smiling face.

Dexter wasn’t there.

No matter how crazy his life may have been, he always arrived before me. Even the time that he ended up in the emergency room with a broken arm, he was still there before me, cast and all. This was definitely a change. An unwelcome change.

Maybe he was already inside waiting at our table. I didn’t see him through the window. The table was empty, waiting for us to arrive as always. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked into the busy restaurant.

“Hey Curtis honey!” Shouted Rhonda from behind the breakfast bar. “Where’s Dex?” She asked.

“Hey Rhonda, how’s it going? I wish I knew. This is his first time being late for our lunch.”

“I’m sure everything is ok. He’ll probably show up any minute. Your table’s waiting for you honey. I’ll be right over.”

I just nodded at her and headed to the table.

In my heart, I really hoped that Rhonda was right.

To be continued . . .


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital City Monarchs, New Arkton, New Arkton Bears, RBL Baseball, Sports

Their bats were silent and New Arkton had a rookie on the mound. No problem.

On a day when the Bears struggled to string together much offense, the club got a big boost from 23-year-old starter Gary Cox. The left-hander quieted the Capital City Monarchs at Walnut Street Stadium to help New Arkton take the 2-1 decision and seize a 2-0 advantage in the best-of-7 League Championship Series.

Cox gave New Arkton a solid start. The left-hander allowed 1 run on 1 hit over 6 innings.

“If I go out there and help the team win, that’s all you can do,” said Cox.

Game 3 is set to be played Sunday at Monarchs Ballpark. The scheduled starters for the game are Hector Gomez for New Arkton and Kenta Takano for Capital City.


Adroit Comics, Capital City, New Arkton

Greetings World!

We’ve been hard at work, as usual, working to create epic tales, amazing artwork, and rich characters that will keep you coming back for more. We are excited to announce the official release of “Adroit Comics Universe #2: The New King of Capital City”!

In this issue we’re sharing the stories of more characters. You can join us in taking a deeper dive into the darker side of Capital City, from the flashiest clubs to the most sinister corners of the criminal underworld. In our first issue of Adroit Comics Universe, we shared an introduction to our realm, and the many things that make it unique.

This time around, you’ll find that we took a different approach, paying special attention to the movers and shakers of New Arkton’s high society. These big wigs are all playing to win. But at the end of the day, someone must be the loser. Who will it be?

The two of us have been working on our stories for years, and years, and years. As artists, we’ve always wanted the world to receive our work, enjoy our work, and be moved by the stories that we have to share. It’s been such a blessing to hear all of the amazing feedback that our readers have shared! We hope that you will continue to enjoy what we have in store.

You may not know this, but we are committed to delivering free comic books to the community at large. We believe that everyone deserves an epic read, whether they can afford it or not. So you can always find our digital downloads on our “Free Downloads” page.

However, you can support us by ordering a print copy from our shop! Every purchase from Adroit Comics helps to fuel our mission of delivering epic reads and quality education.

Enjoy reading Adroit Comics Issue #2! And please share with all your comic book loving friends!

Peace, Love, and Comics,

Zee & Mannie


Capital City, Leopardo Azul, New Sienna

The Militia has long been a powerful force to be reckoned with over the last twenty years. Their emblem has become synonymous with mercenaries, anarchy and overthrown governments. No-one knows exactly who they are, or where they can be found. But everyone knows they are extremely dangerous, and at times, ruthless.

As the mark of the Militia has been felt across the world, many question how they have been able to accomplish such feats. Their ability to infiltrate and gain control of such powerful governments has proven to be unmatched.

Leopardo Azul is major piece of the Militia’s mysterious puzzle. While most civilians continue to deny the existence of Adroits, Leopardo is busy blazing new trails . . . at nearly the speed of sound. Before you can blink an eye, he’s already gone! Most likely on his way to a major heist or something even more dubious.

Birthed from a long line of Adroits with super speed abilities, Lepardo hails from the nation of Albatina. His family has a history of power, prestige, and oppression. Being a merciless dictator wasn’t really his bag, so he ditched the family at a young age and set out to see the world. Of course, he took his fair share of the family’s riches with him.

With a healthy nest egg stashed away, Leopardo decided to use his power, training and connections to serve his own desires. Over the years he became an international gambler and thief, filling his days with fast cars and beautiful women. One day when he crossed paths with the man who would change his life forever… General Blackheart.

The General helped Leopardo see that he could be apart of something bigger than himself, and increase his wealth exponentially. The General’s proposal was more than intriguing, and Leopardo joined the ranks of The Militia with no hesitation. He quickly became one of the biggest and most lethal mercenaries in the world.

The Militia had been riding high for years, when suddenly a whirlwind of betrayal hit their team in a majorly painful way. They came out on the other side alive. Some say that what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger. They must have had Leopardo, The General and the rest of their team in mind. Now, they were stronger than ever before, and their fury felt like it could never be quenched.

Faster than he’d ever been in his life, Leopardo Azul seems to show no fear of what lies ahead. Is he truly fearless, or is it all a facade? Is he truly speeding furiously, trying to outrun the consequences of his past?


Adroit Comics, Crimson Hawk, Hawk's Log

Sitting there, under the moonlight, I somehow began to feel cold. There, in the middle of the jungle, in front of a burning campfire, I somehow felt a chill going down my spine. I had been looking into the eyes of this man for months now, wondering what fueled the rage in his eyes. But now I was beginning to understand.

The air was thick, and I dreaded what would come next. However, it didn’t matter. This man and his wife had already lived it. The least I could do was listen to his tale. Pops continued to tell his story, and what followed was even more devastating.

“Mako’a returned to the clan with warriors who had defected to follow him. They stormed the village and stole all the holy books, artifacts and weapons. Those traitors set fire to our home, along with much of the village, before whisking away into the night. So many lives were lost, and it felt like our entire history had been obliterated. Even our beloved daughter, we lost her that night as well. It is a pain that has never mended.”

A reflection of the fire danced in Pop’s eyes. I may have even seen a tear well up in the corner of his eye. I know I felt my eyes tear up, just a little. I mean, I felt for the man. They had been through so much, and now here they were, nursing be back to health. These two souls had taken me in like a son. I knew I would do whatever I could to help them.

After a few moments, he continued to speak.

“All the survivors agreed to disperse and set up camps far away from what was once our home. We agreed to go underground and rebuild our strength. We prayed to The Heavens that our path to redemption and restoration would be guided by The Divine Light. One thing is certain, Likka has never given up hope that our daughter Ari’hi is still alive. I, on the other hand, am not so convinced.”

I could see Likka never giving up hope. She was always so positive and encouraging. It seemed like nothing could bring her down.

“Well, I think I’ll have to be on Likka’s side with this one Pops,” I replied. “I’m going to believe that your daughter is alive too. And I’ll do whatever I can to help you find her.”

Pops could only nod his head. I could tell that the story had worn him out. Reliving that ordeal would drain anyone. He excused himself for the night, but I couldn’t make my way to bed. I sat outside, staring at the flames for a long while. My thoughts were so deep, that I didn’t even notice Likka sit down beside me.

“What is on your mind young man? I can feel your soul is in turmoil. What troubles you tonight?” she asked in her usual kind voice. “Pops told me about what happened to your village. . .” I replied. “Oh,” she said softly, “ I see.”

I could feel my anger rising. “I want to help you both. I want to help you find your daughter. I want to help you avenge the wickedness that was done to your tribe. I just don’t understand how you can be so peaceful, after you’ve been through so much!”

She simply closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and placed her hand on my shoulder. It was like a cool breeze flowed through my very being. A wave of peace soothed my angry heart.

She drew back her hand and spoke softly. “Revenge is not our mission. We are here to help save the realm from Darkness. We cannot do this in rage. I believe that Divinity has a special plan for each and every one of us. Including my dear daughter. The greater the test, the greater our testimony shall be. From our pain, the future of the universe may be birthed. Nothing worth having comes easy, but to those who can endure the journey, there will be a great reward.”

I didn’t know exactly what she meant. But I believed every word.

To be continued . . .


Capital City, Capital City Mysteries, Eboni Stone

It was obvious that this young lady had been waiting to tell their side of the story. With the news implying his guilt, things hadn’t been easy for his family.

“Mike is a good man, Miss Stone. Sure he may have gotten into a little trouble when he was younger. But that was all in the past,” Cherry shared.

“Trouble?” Eboni interrupted, “What kind of trouble did he get into?”

The room fell silent for a few moments. Cherry Ann looked as though she’d said something she shouldn’t have. It seemed like the ladies were holding back, worried about whether Eboni would take their case or not.

“Listen Ms. Stone,” the elder Mrs. King chimed in, “I’m not a wealthy woman. However, I have a little something stashed away. I’m willing pay whatever you might charge to find my son and exonerate him from these charges.”

Eboni took a deep breath before responding. She wanted to choose her words delicately. These women were obviously concerned about the well being of their beloved Michael. She didn’t want to rub them the wrong way, or add any more stress to their lives.

“I want to help you Mrs. King. And I appreciate what you said about my fees. However, I can’t give you a guarantee about clearing his name – at least not until I know for certain that he is innocent. But trust and believe me, I will do everything I can to get to the bottom of this. And that includes finding Mike and proving his innocence. But you must be absolutely honest with me. I need to know all of the facts, ok? Don’t leave anything out. Even if it’s embarrassing, just give it to me straight.”

The air in the room stood still. There was tension in the air as Eboni’s potential new clients solemnly thought about their options.

Mrs. King sighed deeply and decided to break the silence. “When Mikey was a teenager, he started hanging around with the wrong crowd. I tried to get him to understand how his choices would affect the rest of his life. When he was sixteen, he got caught stealing cars with a gang of kids. He was arrested and had serve a few months in the young folks rehabilitation program. But he never got into any real trouble after that… not really.”

Eboni sat quietly pondering over the information. Sounds from the street flowed up through the windows. The sound of her stomach rumbling became louder and louder. Hopefully, her lunch order would arrive soon.

She began to speak, interrupting the awkward silence.

It seemed like this Michael King case held more than meets the eye. Eboni hoped and prayed that he was innocent. She really wanted to help these ladies.

To be continued . . .


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Capital City, Capital City Monarchs, New Arkton, New Arkton Bears, RBL Baseball, Sports

The New Arkton Bears started the League Championship Series in dramatic fashion today, stealing Game 1 from the Capital City Monarchs in a walk-off. New Arkton won 4-2 behind a good day from starter Brian Duncan. The right-hander threw 7 innings of 4-hit ball in the win, which gave the Bears a 1-0 lead to start the best-of-7 series.

Bucky Hayes was the walk-off hero for New Arkton. With the game tied in the bottom of the ninth inning, the Bears center fielder hit a dramatic 2-run home run to send the teams home.

“Exhilarating win,” said Duncan.’

Game 2 is scheduled for tomorrow at Walnut Street Stadium. Slated to start are Elton Nord for Capital City and Gary Cox for New Arkton