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ABN News, Adroit Comics, Capital City, Collinsville, Jamal McCall, Local Government

There are many people surprised at the latest news involving the United Paper Company. No one suspected that such a longstanding and respectable organization could stoop this low. Authorities were surprised to discover that the new management of the main office was secretly using the company’s resources, facilities, and trucks to move stolen goods.

Apparently the police were alerted by someone working within the company that the criminal conspiracy was taking place. The chief had this to say, “We’ve been following this operation for some time now. We’ve been gathering intelligence and evidence to put the wrongdoers away for a long time. We’re confident about that.”

Official reports indicate that millions of dollars worth of stolen and illegal goods were shipped and delivered under the guise of paper and stationary.

When asked about their suspects in the case, Chief Robinson answered, “Our prime suspect is the general manager of United Paper Company’s home office in Collinsville, Mr. Michael King. All reports and evidence point to him as the leader of this operation. Any citizen who has information to help lead us to Mr. King will receive a substantial reward. You can call any precinct with your tips.”

He went on to say that Mr. King had gone missing, along with several of his reported business associates. Though he has not been declared guilty without an official trial, his fleeing the city is not helping his case.

According to reports, it seems that many employees of the company are trying to protect Mr. King, and deny that he was the ring leader. But that’s not what the evidence suggests.

We will continue reporting on this case as soon as we have more information.


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Hampton Heights, International News, Jamal McCall, Local Government, Nu’ZarEil

Good Evening Capital City!
Jamal McCall here with breaking news!

The city is restless with tension after today’s unexpected events on the campus of Beckwourth University. The Young People’s Party of New Sienna, formerly known as the Youth Party, had planned a non-violent rally to protest against New Sienna’s participation in the Galatian conflict overseas. What was intended to be a peaceful demonstration to raise awareness and support, somehow turned into a rather dangerous affair.

It is unclear at this time what ultimately sparked the conflict. However, here’s what we know so far.

Flyers for the event called upon the students of Beckwourth University, and other area schools, to unite for a day of camaraderie and making their voices heard. The rising tensions in New Sienna have rumors of another draft being implemented.

The last time the New Sienna Government enforced a military draft was almost 12 years ago prior to the Keyoshian War. Millions of young men and women were enlisted to help fight. This is what the Young People’s Party hopes to prevent. In their words, “We want peace! We don’t need another pointless war! This is your battle, not ours! Why are we the ones who must fight?”

The new president of the party, Issac Tisdale, has been instrumental in building up a new and stronger representation for the younger citizens of our nation. There are many who praise his work. However, there are some who fear he may be an extremist in disguise.

According to eyewitness reports, the rally began with speeches from party leaders to really get the crowd moving. The most anticipated speaker was Monroe Salamalan. A staunch Anti-Royalist, he has been working for the past few years to gain support for the Indigenous Salamalan Tribe’s claim to their original lands. His organization, the Federation of the Royal Indigenous Clan (F.R.I.C.) has been a supporter of the Youth Party from its inception.

Apparently, there were some people in attendance who disagreed with the Tisdale and Salamalan’s speeches. Because right after they ended their presentations, an unidentified group of dissenters began shouting and moving towards the stage. Within moments, a fight broke out. Campus police were able to break it up. Luckily there were only minor injuries, and no one was arrested.

We can only hope that things will remain calm in the future. With murmurs of warn growing across the seas, we can’t afford to fight one another, here on our own shores.

That’s all for now.
And remember, if you didn’t see it on ABN 9, then it isn’t really news.
Jamal McCall signing off.


ABN News, Adroit Comics, Jamal McCall, National Government, New Sienna

Who are the Royals?

Before “New Sienna” there was “Sienna”

All citizens of New Sienna are familiar with the royals. To an even greater extent, there are very few in the modern civilized world who have not heard about the Royals of New Sienna and all their dramatic feuds and conquests.

One cannot speak on the history of the nation of New Sienna without mentioning the names of our Royal Families. For it is they who founded this country as we know it today. The NNS (Nation of New Sienna) was birthed from the bravery of twelve families who stood up against tyranny to establish a new nation. Or at least that’s how the story goes.

The premise of this new nation was a noble one, or at least it seemed so. However there are many that would argue the establishment of The NNS to be self-serving at best – and utterly selfish and destructive at worst.

Salamalan Tribal Legacy

There was a time when this land was all run and owned by the Salamalan tribe.
They prospered as a people and became renowned across the world as skilled craftsmen and traders. Their mercantile endeavors were unrivaled by any other nation in the world.

A land rich in minerals, rare gems, fresh water and fertile growing lands, the Salamalan leaders had a wealth of resources with which to cultivate the growth of trade. After centuries, people began moving to live among the Salamalan. Wanting to understand their ways and profit from their knowledge and resources, people came from all over the world.

The tribe was welcoming to the foreigners who came upon their shores. They taught them how to respect the earth. The Salamalan way of life was very simple. They always worked to live in harmony with nature and to replenish it in every way possible. The immigrants loved their new land, and their new people, the Salamalan.

Sadly, so more centuries passed, it seemed as if the energy of the great nation was changing.

The Tide Changes

The people of the land were still kind and welcoming. However the king of the tribe began to feel threatened by the growing number of foreigners who had come into their nation. For the most part they had been positive additions to the community. There were many who brought new sciences, medicine and understanding.

But the King was distraught over the changes he’d seen since he was a child. King Shemaha was his name, and he was resolved to preserve the legacy of his tribe. He did not want to see it disappear into the wave of foreigners who were now invading his land. He also feared that one day they would try to over throw him.

King Shemaha’s fears were not unfounded. However, he didn’t know exactly what to do.

This is where things began to go awry for the king.

He began to institute laws limiting the powers of foreign nationals living in the land of Sienna. They couldn’t purchase land, they couldn’t own businesses and they couldn’t hold office in regional government positions.

A fervor of indignation arose from the citizens of Sienna, both indigenous and foreign. Foreigners were aghast at the recension of their rights after their families had lived there for hundreds of years. The original tribesman were shocked because the foreigners had become like family to them. Many of them had intermarried, and now their children didn’t know where they stood. Were they now tribesman or still considered foreigners? A wave of confusion and restlessness overtook the nation.

Twelve families banded together in resistance to the king’s orders. These families were a mix foreigners and natives, who had vested great works into the land and people. For almost a decade, civil war rage throughout in the land.

Devin R. Vonderdöm

According to New Sienna lore, The Vonderdöm family patriarch, Devin R. Vonderdöm, was the leader of the revolution. A prominent family in the history of our great nation, The Vonderdöms are synonymous with New Sienna. This plane-wide powerhouse is more than a family, they are an institution. But more on that in our next issue!

We would be remiss to end this introduction without sharing the names of all twelve Royal Families of New Sienna. The following list is in order of prominence and power within the New Sienna Society:

Zang Tao

We have so much more to share in our exploration of New Sienna’s Royal Families. Please look out for the next article in our series when we explore the Vonderdöm family legacy and their complicated royal relationships.