Adroit Comics, Eboni Stone
Eboni Stone is a complicated lady. At first glance she might look like just another pretty face. But Mrs. Stone comes with many unexpected layers. She’s a lady who’s life has been far from smooth, and anything but easy. From her early years on the Capital City Police Force, to becoming an undercover private eye, and now novice protector of the realm — she’s seen more ups and downs than she cares to count.
“How did I get here?” is a question that rings out in her mind, more often than not. Every once in awhile, when she finds a rare, quiet moment, Eboni reflects on her past. She gives the deepest of thought to the whys and hows of her life. Unfortunately, she’s yet to find truly satisfying answers. All she can do is her best to make things better.
Never in a million years did she think her life would be like this. Since she’d met Max, Pops and Likka, her life had become surreal. Filled with top secret royal conspiracies and super powered humans hailing from ancient bloodlines, its like something out of the tabloids.
Back in the day, she and her husband would argue over whether Adroits were real.
He believed. She didn’t. Boy oh boy would he have been excited to say “I told you so!” Her parents had spoken of ancient family legacies, but only in passing. It
had all sounded like children’s stories as far as she was concerned. Dennis had always been more open-minded than she was. Oh, how she missed him. There wasn’t a day that went by without her thinking of his laugh.
It had been five years now. Though the pangs of loss had softened, they had not gone anywhere. But alas, there was much work to do, and Eboni Stone has never walked away from a challenge. Investigating her husband’s death was tough one for her. The answers she found weren’t pretty. However, she soon realized that investigation was leading somewhere she wasn’t ready to go . . . At least not yet.
Nowadays, Mrs. Stone is a private investigator working to help local folks who need her help. But now, things are getting crazier than she could have imagined. As someone who didn’t believe in all that Adroit hoopla, she’s certainly all in now. As the official guardian of her niece and nephew, she has no choice but to believe. The disappearance of their parents came as a shock to everyone. Now, Eboni is working to keep them safe. . . and get enough clients to keep the bills paid.
Everyday her to do list grows longer. But she’s focused. The twins need her guidance and help finding their parents. Pops and Likka are training her to be as strong as possible, while Max needs her friendship and a partner on his undercover missions. And now she’s somehow gotten sucked into an unending trail of conspiracies. That’s unfortunate for the bad guys because Eboni Stone can’t stop until her case is solved.