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Watch out Netball fans! The Pandas are set to take this season by storm. Though the past few years have been rocky, Coach Eugene Hill is committed to rebuilding the Las Gracias Pandas back to their former glory. Fans may recall his press conference two years ago, when he expressed his frustration at their performance. It was that day he vowed, after 13 years of being the Panda’s head coach, to never have a season like that again.

The 3071 National Netball season was the worst season the Pandas had played in 20 years – 30 wins and 40 losses. Coach Hill was furious and made some huge changes that no one saw coming. Now, we’re embarking on the 3073 season, and Hill has totally turned the team around. Two years ago, at that very press conference, Hill predicted that The Pandas be the league champs in five years – or he’d give up coaching!

Some believed his words, though many snickered at the thought. But today, it looks like his vision may be coming to reality, especially with the team’s newest acquisition.

Nasan Khari is no stranger to any fan of the NNL (National Netball League). He’s held the title of League Top Scorer for the past two years. He’s been in the running for MVP, but hasn’t won yet. Some say this is because he’s yet to lead his team to a championship title. He came close last year, when the Sharks made it to the playoffs. However, their victory was swept away in the last game of the playoff series. What a tragedy.

Perhaps this story can have a happy ending. According to Khari, he’s always wanted to play for the Pandas. It was childhood dream of his to play for in Las Gracias, and for Coach Hill. Back in the day, Hill spent time volunteering at a summer netball camp that Khari attended as a youth. Since that day, he’d always wanted to work with Coach Hill professionally.

Khari was all smiles at his signing ceremony. we could all see another reason he was so happy. The lovely starlet and songstress Shontaé was on his arm, gleaming. There have been rumors circulating about these two being an item. Perhaps this proves the rumors to be true.

With this season’s line up, and Coach Hill’s expertise and bold coaching style, things are definitely looking up for the Pandas. Panda fans far and wide are hoping that Khari can bring his signature moves and bring big wins for Las Gracias.

What do you think?

Written by Mannie_E

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